Wal-Mart: Pay Workers A Living Wage

Wal-Mart pays its employees an average of $8.81 per hour. That is not a livable wage, particularly for part-time employees. Underpaid workers are forced to rely on taxpayer-funded welfare to survive.

Wal-Mart has much, much more than enough money to pay higher wages and to hire more people for full-time positions instead of part-time. By forcing its employees onto welfare, the company is making taxpayers subsidize it. 

Tell Wal-Mart that it is time to give part-time workers access to full-time hours and to pay them at least $25,000 a year for full-time work.

Dear Mr. Duke,

Please give all Wal-Mart employees access to 40 hours of work a week and pay at least $25,000 a year to full-time workers.

Wal-Mart's wages are so low that taxpayers must pay for your employees' health care, housing, food, and other basic necessities. While Wal-Mart can easily afford to pay fair living wages, it instead exploits its workers and forces taxpayers to pick up its slack. 

Please make full-time hours accessible to all employees and pay at least $25,000 a year so that Wal-Mart can fulfill its duties as a good corporate citizen.


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