Tell Target – Stop Exposing Your Customers to Toxic Receipts

Target exposes MILLIONS of its customers to toxic bisphenols (BPA/BPS) in contaminated thermal receipt paper.  Urge action from Target today!

Millions of Americans shop at Target every year and are unknowingly exposed to a hormone-disrupting chemical when they handle and sign Target receipts. This is especially problematic to pregnant women, small children and Target's own employees. And women are more at risk because they have thinner skin and therefore are more vulnerable to Target's receipts.

Bisphenols, including BPA, have been linked to a host of health problems like weight gain, infertility, complications during IVF fertilization, hyperactivity in children, lowering Vitamin D in the body, irregular heartbeat, diabetes, inflammation, oxidative stress, breast and prostate cancers.

Target recently published their chemical goals policy saying "Target is committed to driving transparency, proactive chemical management and innovation across all our owned and national brand consumer products and operations."

To abide by these chemical goals they are removing PFCs and flame retardant chemicals from textiles sold at their stores. This is a good first step, but we need the company to address its receipts immediately. We are demanding that Target protect its customers and do the following:

  • Immediately offer a way for customers to receive a receipt via email instead
  • Switch to receipt paper without bisphenols (like Trader Joe's and Best Buy!)

For more information about bisphenols visit Mamavation, or watch my YouTube video.

Please take action to protect your customers from toxic chemicals in themal receipts. Please do the following: 

  • Immediately offer a way for customers to receive a receipt via email instead

  • Reformulate to another type of receipt paper without bisphenols (like the ones at Best Buy!)

Thank you for your commitment to "proactive chemical management" as promised in your chemical goals policy. I hope you follow through on that pledge immediately.
Update #26 years ago
Friends! Our petition has garnered over 35,000 signatures and Target has responded to us! They want a meeting next week, July 25th. I anticipate getting the opportunity to present our case to them of why bisphenols (BPS) have no business in their receipts. But they also really need to hear it from you! Will you join me in posting on their Facebook page? In anticipation of our meeting, this would be helpful. Thank you!
Update #16 years ago
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