" WebactionsOurs-SavetheFrenchBears "

Mister the minister

We hereby, members of various welfare animal protective organization, or casual  animals supporters, are collectively acting to promote this petition of the French Pyrénées bears and biodiversity.

By putting this petition on line we hope to achieve a twofold target:
A better full safeguard management plan for the bear and the biodiversity.
To make compulsory safeguard of the herds like continuous attendance of shepherds, night penning of the herds kept in Summer pastures, and so on.
To punish the offences of a anti bear and anti wildlife lobbyist.
Stand-in for both died bears, nammed "Palouma"and "Franska".
To prohibit hunting and beaten in areas where the bear was clearly identified, safeguard of its biotope against the invasive human activities.

 Dear petitionists, thanks you for making follow http://www.ursusarctos.free.fr/
Send this petition to all your friends, animal supporters or activists, and to all animal support organizations you know of.

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