Canada: It's Time for Action, Not Just Apologies for Residential Schools

  • af: Ellen B
  • mottagare: PM Harper and the Canadian Government
A new, comprehensive report on aboriginal abuse and residential schools makes it clear: Canada's government must address the lasting effects of what was nothing short of 100 years of cultural genocide against native Canadians.

The new Truth and Reconciliation Commission report draws from the testimony of over 7,000 people who witnessed horrors inflicted on aboriginal Canadians, including children who were stolen from their families and forced into abusive residential schools that stripped them of their culture and native language.

Many of those children lost their lives due to the horrific conditions in residential schools. As TRC co-commissioner Marie Wilson said, many of the schools had "cemeteries but no playgrounds."

For too long, Canada as swept the history of residential schools and other aboriginal abuse under the rug. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a huge step towards justice, but it will mean nothing if we don't demand our government follow through on the real and meaningful changes it recommends.

As the report states, for "reconciliation to thrive in the coming years, Canada must move from apology to action."

It's time to finally start fixing the devastating effects of this shameful chapter in Canada's history.

Take action today: Call on PM Harper and the Canadian Government to make the real policy changes recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Committee.
PM Harper:

The new Truth and Reconciliation Commission report makes it clear: we must address the lasting effects of what was nothing short of 100 years of cultural genocide against native Canadians.

The abuse of native Canadians, including the horrific residential schools that stole the childhood, culture, and very lives of too many native Canadian children, is a black mark on this country's history.

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For too long, Canada as swept the history of residential schools and other aboriginal abuse under the rug. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a huge step towards justice, but it will mean nothing if we don't demand our government follow through on the real and meaningful changes it recommends.

As the report states, for "reconciliation to thrive in the coming years, Canada must move from apology to action."

It's time to finally start fixing the devastating effects of this shameful chapter in Canada's history. Please, take action today and begin making the real policy changes recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Committee.


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