EPA - Regulate The Burning Of Sugar Cane Fields Under The Clean Air Act

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy

There has been a recent issue where a full sugar cane field became subjected to fire and smoke near the Lake Okeechobee. The disturbing fact that these occurrences is not all that uncommon. Growers of sugar cane engage in a practice of burning the outer leaves around the can stalks which can get out of hand and the fumes from the fires hazardous.  Read the full story at http://earthjustice.org/blog/2015-december/sugar-cane-burning-not-so-sweet-for-florida-s-residents?utm_source=crm&utm_content=slimFormat_title&curation=ebrief#.

Whatever the cause of the fires, the fumes create a foul odor in the air where it can pollute nearby communities in Palm Beach.  The current practices of burning around the sugar cane stalks is highly outdated and toxic yet new practices have not yet been implemented which would be safer for all concerned. Current practices are not in compliance with the Clean Air Act.

Our efforts in this petition is to encourage the EPA to regulate the burning of sugar cane fields that would be in compliance with the Clean Air Act.  The current outdated practices are highly toxic, dangerous and in violation of this Act.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy – We strongly urge you to implement better regulations in burning of sugar cane fields under the Clean Air Act.  Current practices are highly outdated and unsafe for residents who are subjected to the toxic fumes emitted in the air.  Choose better, greener methods such as those in other countries stated in the attached article that will provide safer methods for these sugar cane fields in accordance with the Clean Air Act.

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