Demand an end to predator killing contests in northern Wisconsin!

  • af: Elizabeth Huntley
  • mottagare: Don LeMaster, Town of Argonne Chair Person, 715 649-3339 Argonne, WI 54511

Predator Hunting "Contests" have no place in a humane and sustainable society.

Argonne is surrounded on three sides by National Forest. If wildlife can't be allowed to exist in wilderness, where can they live?

The currently-planned predator killing contest is being sponsored by "Main Street Ed's" in Argonne, WI and is being co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Bear Hunter's Association. Not only coyotes of ALL AGES being targeted by hunters with their bloodthirsty hounds, but no doubt other "incidental wildlife" will be hounded and killed - like foxes, wolves, and bobcats!

Mr. Don LeMaster, Town of Argonne Chair Person, 

We demand a stop to the planned predator hunting contest sponsored by Main Street Ed's and co-sponsored by the WI Bear Hunter's Association! 

These "contests" are brutal and inhumane, and have no place in an alleged civilized society! We know that hounds engage with their prey, and are dead or dying before the hunter arrives to put the poor animal out of its misery. 

It is outrageous that something as barbaric as this "contest" is being perpetuated by a business located in your town! 

Opdater #28 år siden
Wolf Patrol folks have reported finding meat bait hanging from fishing wire in the areas where the coyote "killing-festival" is taking place tomorrow!
Opdater #18 år siden
it's reported that many wildlife preservationists will be traveling to the town of Argonne to protest the wildlife slaughter with the use of guns and killer hounds! Let's try and shut this thing down before it even starts! Please share this petition with others!
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