Tell Microsoft Autism isn't a dirty word!

Microsoft keeps a list of words that are banned from use in gamertags and mottos on their XBox Live service. It recently came to my attention that the word "autism" is on this list. As such, mottos such as "Support Autism" are not allowed. Whatever Microsoft's noble intentions are in this regard, the end result is that it makes it more difficult for those on the Autism spectrum to self identify, and by extension, self-advocate. This has political repercussions, as in an attempt to protect individuals from slander, they instead marginalize us.

It's not like anyone ever uses the word "Autism" as a slur anyway, usually the big insult is the "R" word. If Microsoft can't understand that Autism isn't offensive, we'll have to make them understand. Because all they succeed in doing is making us feel as if there's something fundamentally offensive about US instead.

We wish to get Autism, and other medically recognized terms for various disabilities/diffabilities removed from Microsoft's list of banned terms. We also demand that this list be made public, in order to better help marginalized communities make their voices heard. Thank you for your support.

Dear Microsoft,

It has come to my attention that one of the many words banned from Xbox Live gamertags and mottos is the word "Autism". I believe that however well intentioned this ban is, it is a mistake, as it hampers efforts by individuals who live on the autism-spectrum to self advocate and self-identify. It is a medically recognized term, an issue of pride, and not an offensive word or slur.

I and others like myself sincerely request that this word be removed from from any blacklist, and also suggest that such a list be made available as a public relations gesture of good faith, so that other marginalized groups may be able to better start a dialogue with Microsoft over representation.

Thank you for your time,

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