Save the Gunnison Sage-Grouse!

  • af: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: United States Fish and Wildlife Service

The Gunnison sage-grouse has been suffering. Originally distributed throughout four western states, the bird's population has shrunk to only a few communities in Utah and Colorado.

These birds depend completely on several depleted species of sage brush. It's their food and their nest cover. Unfortunately, this humble grouse is in competition with the high-rolling oil industry which likes to drill in the same habitat. And oil interests have likely kept the worthy grouse off the Endangered Species Act.

In 2004, a George W. Bush administration appointee managed to squelch an attempt to list the bird, according to the New York Times.

The grouse must not be left vulnerable any longer. Tell the United States Fish and Wildlife Service not to be bullied by oil! Let them know you support listing the Gunnison sage-grouse under the ESA!

We the undersigned are dismayed to learn that the listing of the Gunnison sage-grouse under the Endangered Species Act has been so long delayed.

There is plenty of evidence of the terrible decline of this bird's population. Having once lived and bred throughout four states, it now exists only in Colorado and Utah where there are only 5000 nesting individuals. It further appears that the oil industry has inappropriately exercised its influence to prevent federal protection for this bird.

Please don't let the oil industry determine which animals you save. List the Gunnison sage-grouse under the ESA!

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