Rid Rio of Dead Fish Contamination Long-Term By Reducing Poverty For People of Favelas!

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: President Dilma Rousseff of Rio de Janeiro

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to speak out to President Dilma Rousseff of Rio de Janeiro, urging her to do more about the poverty conditions and infrastructure improvements in the favelas of the area. Until these issues are addressed, there will be no long-term solutions affecting the water conditions due to the dead fish issues.

Concerns exist in Rio de Janeiro regarding pollution of the lagoons and waterways due to continual fish die-offs that is contaminating the water. With the impending 2016 Olympics, the polluted waters presents a huge problem for sailing events in the Guanabara Bay. Protest have been held at the canal in the Rio neighborhood of Recreio due to the infestation of raw sewerage; the canal flows into a lagoon where the Olympic Park is being built. Additionally, more than 50 tons of dead fish have been removed from the lagoon.

It appears that the fish die-offs are due to a drop in temps that killed the fish when colder water made its way into the lagoon and poor water quality resulting from fertilizer, waste, and garbage. These factors are causing an increase in water toxicity in addition to algae blooms that rob the water of oxygen and kill fish. Cleaning up the dead fish is a short-term solution but it appears there is no long-term improvements in Rio's water infrastructure.

If the President does not address the fish die-off long term through an improvement in Rio's water infrastructure, along with poverty levels in many areas, contamination and pollution will continue. Literally, poverty is the cause for many of the country’s issues because of overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, poor nutrition, pollution, elevated mortality rates and high rate of diseases in poorer favelas. President Rousseff needs to help the people and resolve poverty along with develop a long-term plan for water infrastructure for cleaner, more sanitary water without pollution and fish die-off. Help us speak out by signing and sharing this petition worldwide to protect this country and the water quality, not just for the Olympic but on a long-term basis.

President Dilma Rousseff of Rio de Janeiro – There are many concerns regarding the fish die-off in your waterways in preparation for the Olympics of 2016. We are strongly urging you to get serious about poverty reduction and infrastructure improvements to help the people of the favelas. Without these improvements within your country, the pollution and water contamination will continue! Prepare for the Olympics of 2016 through changes that will be more long-term for the health and safety of your people.

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