Demand an extra 3rd grade class at Rose Tree Elementary

This is a petition to reduce class size by adding an extra class to the 3rd grade at Rose Tree Elementary. There is a large body of research on the relationship between class size and student learning. Research has shown that smaller class size has significant long-term effects on student achievement and other meaningful outcomes, among which:

  • improved test outcomes
  • Improved school engagement
  • Reduced grade retention
  • Reduced dropout rates
  • Increased rate of college attendance

Dear Parents, 

At present there will be 2 third grade classes this year at Rose Tree Elementary, each consisting of 24 of our kids in each class. When several parents confronted the RTE superintendent, James Wigo, regarding the class size, Mr. Wigo response was that there are 6 class rooms with 23 or more students in the district and the teachers can handle the extra students. When pressed for more details of why Mr. Wigo made the decision to place 48 of our kids in 2 classes, his response was, there is not a shred of research to supporting the parents claim that smaller class room sizes results in better student performance. I have provided Mr. Wigo information of 19 different studies that prove smaller classroom sizes in grades K-3 have a direct result in better performance. So far we have not heard any response back from Mr. Wigo, so this is the reason we need to take this issue directly to the board of directors. This is a petition to add one more teacher to the 3rd grade class. This will reduce the number of students per class from 24 plus to 16 plus students per class by having 3 third grade classes. We are concerned that this will start with one class at Rose Tree Elementary and eventually applied to the whole RTMSD. Please sign the petition to help us reduce class size and support our children's future.
thank you. 

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