DC - Fully Fund School Breakfast

As a grandmother and primary caretaker of a 5th grader in D.C. Public Schools, I know how important healthy school meals are. Many D.C. students rely on schools meals as their primary source of nutrition. That's why the D.C. Council passed legislation raising the bar for our school meal program and calling for an additional $3 million in funding for school breakfast over the next four years.

But Mayor Muriel Bowser and the D.C. Council still need to include this $3 million for student breakfast in the annual budget.

Healthy school breakfasts have been linked to higher test scores, improved concentration, alertness, concentration, and memory. Breakfast is critical to our children's health and their education, and we must prioritize funding it.

Additional funding will also help D.C. Public Schools meet the new requirement to provide a healthy vegetarian breakfast option every day.

Join me in asking Mayor Bowser and the D.C. Council to stand up for children's health and education by fully funding school breakfast.

Dear Mayor Bowser and Members of the D.C. City Council,

I am writing to urge you to fully fund the Healthy Students Amendment Act, including the additional reimbursement for school breakfast and the study for a new central kitchen. These initiatives are critical not only to improving student health but also academic performance.

Healthy school breakfasts have been linked to higher test scores, improved concentration, alertness, concentration, energy levels, and memory. School meals, in some cases, are the only meals that some children receive.  The additional funding for breakfast will also help D.C. Public Schools meet the new requirement to provide a healthy vegetarian breakfast option every day.

Please prioritize our children's health and education by fully funding the Healthy Students Amendment Act.

Thanks for your consideration.

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