Extremely Problematic Brock Turner Plaque At Standford

Brock Turner raped a woman behind a dumpster at Stanford and received barely a slap on the wrist for it.

Now Stanford wants to commemorate the spot of the crime with a plaque. Not only that, but they kicked the survivor herself off the committee that would decide what the plaque said.

Sign now if you want Stanford not to put up a plaque about this crime.

Originally, the idea was to put some benches in the area and use the plaque as an educational tool. The survivor pointed out a few statements from her powerful open letter that could be used for the plaque. Instead, the committee, led by Michele Dauber chose a text the victim sent to her sister right after being released from the hospital. The text said 'I'm okay, everything's okay'.

But actually, as her letter says, she was not ok. And the trial and non-punishment of Turner proves that everything is not ok. For them to dismiss the actual person affected's input, steal her words out of context and create this stupid plaque is sick. 

Sign my petition to tell Stanford not to put up this plaque. Obviously they want to placate their current students and shield themselves from all the damager this crime did to them, and this is a disgusting way to do it.

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