McCain: Drilling Will Not Solve Our Gas Crisis

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  • mottagare: Senator John McCain
Senator McCain just got closer to Bush's policies than ever before when he called for lifting the ban on offshore drilling.

In the past McCain has presented himself as a friend of the environment by supporting steps to fight global warming and opposing drilling in the Arctic Refuge and the Everglades. But whether we call it a flip-flop or a strategic political move, he's now making sure to keep his oil cronies and campaign donors happy. The Center for Responsive Politics reported that McCain has accepted over $1 million from the oil and gas industry.

The Bush Administration's support of Big Oil's interests has only led to record profits for oil companies (while consumers pay the bill) and continual damage to our environment.

Senator McCain, hear us loud and clear: We don't need another four years of failed energy policies. Lifting the ban on offshore drilling won't solve the energy crisis or help with soaring gas prices. We need leaders that will work for a future with cleaner energy, leaders that will tackle the climate crisis and decrease our dependency on oil to create a stronger economy. A candidate that supports oil drilling is not one of them.
Senator McCain:

We don't need another four years of failed energy policies. Lifting the ban on offshore drilling won't solve the energy crisis or help with soaring gas prices.

We need leaders that will work for a future with cleaner energy, leaders that will tackle the climate crisis and decrease our dependency on oil to create a stronger economy. A candidate that supports oil drilling is not one of them.
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