Save Animals from "Dangerous Zoo" in Kyoto, Japan

  • af: N Roth
  • mottagare: Mr. Yorikane Masumoto, Kyoto City Mayor, Kyoto City
We the undersigned, endorse the following petition: Save Animals after "Dangerous Zoo" close-down in Japan Target: Mr. Yoshitsugu Kunimatsu, Governor of Shiga Prefecture Sponsor: N. Roth

Thanks to all supporters, the "Dangerous Zoo" has now been closed down. This shows that businesses that mistreat animals have no future and we sincerely hope that the authorities will tolerate no similar undertakings. However, the animals from the "Dangerous Zoo" are not safe yet.

They have been shifted to another location on a private location, and still are caged narrowly in conditions far from perfect. We ask the government and the authorities of Shiga Prefecture (where the animals are kept now) to re-examine the situation of the animals and, as a first step, to improve their present cage conditions. We ultimately would like the animals to be transferred to a public zoo to give them a final sanctuary, as we think they have suffered enough. We will keep this petition running until all animals are safe!


Save Animals after "Dangerous Zoo" close-down in Japan
Petition Target: Mr. Yoshitsugu Kunimatsu
Governor of Shiga Prefecture

Dear Mr. Kunimatsu.

I urge you to reinvestigate the conditions of the animals from the former "Dangerous Zoo" in Kyoto, which are now kept in the Mobile Zoo in Shiga Prefecture.
We expressed our disapproval with the "Dangerous Zoo" in Kyoto, which now is closed down. However, the animals are again kept in narrow cages and in conditions far from perfect.
It is a zookeeper's responsibility to take care of the animals throughout, allowing them to perform their natural habits, and providing enough space for them, which was widely neglected in the former "Dangerous Zoo".
We urge you to improve the conditions for the captive animals, which we believe have suffered enough. We also ask you and the Japanese Government not to let any other "Dangerous Zoo" in Japan happen in the future.

Yours sincerely
The Undersigned

Previous Report:
This Zoo is called "Dangerous Zoo", as visitors are allowed to touch all animals inside, including a Puma, a Python, Monkeys, a Penguin etc. The condition of the Zoo is extremely worrying. Firstly, the animals are not allowed enough space to carry out their natural behaviours. (Iguanas are piled up in their narrow cage, and numerous animals are injured.) Secondly, no professional staff is on-site (which means that visitors can do anything they want.) Finally, the Zoo is situated inside a building in the very town centre with no outside air, and opening hours is until midnight with full light and music. The animals' natural day-and-night cycle is completely ignored. Furthermore, social animals like penguins are kept alone, and even nocturnal animals like bats are under the light full-time.
We would like to rescue the animals from these sad conditions. Some Japanese Animal supporters have already started to express their disapproval, however the movement is still lacking in strength. Therefore we would like to ask for your support to help stopping this Zoo - especially as it is located in the ancient cultural City of Kyoto, which we assume should be willing to show respect towards Creation.

This city is one of the international cities in the world, harbouring a lot of important culture and tradition and attracting many foreign people each year. We are aware that Kyoto is taking great efforts in protecting their ancient heritage, which is a service to Humankind. However, this time we would like to ask the authorities to also take responsibility for the welfare of their animals.
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