Tell FDA Not to Allow Sale of Genetically Modified Salmon

  • af: Judith B.
  • mottagare: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

GM salmon comes with a host of environmental threats. If these salmon are farmed commercially, some will almost certainly escape, and this could spell disaster. When the escapees interbreed with wild salmon, the genetics of wild populations would change, with unforeseeable results. The impact on already struggling aquatic ecosystems may be extremely serious.

For this reason, there has been reluctance to allow the commercial use of such fish, despite intensive lobbying from biotech companies.

Things might be about to change, and not for the better. The FDA is just about to decide whether or not to allow the sale of genetically modified salmon meat in the United States.

It is not worth sacrificing our ecosystems just to let corporate interests rake in more profits.

Tell the FDA to not even consider allowing the sale of GM salmon.

We ask that you do not allow genetically modified salmon meat to be sold in the US. The environmental risks of such fish entering the ecosystem, which is almost inevitable if they are farmed commercially, are unknown but could be extremely serious.

There is no need for such fish; it won’t ease food insecurity in the US or anywhere else, and is unlikely to provide substantially cheaper products for consumers. The only benefit that would come from allowing the sale of GM salmon is higher profits for the companies concerned, which is not something that should affect the FDA’s decision.

Please act responsibly on this issue and retain the ban on the sale of genetically modified salmon and other fish.

Thank you for your attention.

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