Save The Kopernik Space Education Center!

The Kopernik Space Education Center is the best public observatory in the Northeastern United States. Located in Vestal New York, Kopernik has been run an operated by the Roberson Museum for over 35 years, but now Roberson wants to cut Koperniks funding! Roberson is convinced they are losing money through Kopernik. However, The Kopernik Center has had 7,000 visitors already this year. Roberson plans to immediatly cut Kopernik programs, which may lead to worse consequences for the observatory in the future. Please help save this national treasure!

For more info, click here!
The Kopernik Space Education Center is valued and important! Students from all over the east coast come to Kopernik, and it is an integral part of education in its community! We all know how important education is, and Kopernik is like no other place for it! There is nowhere else like Kopernik, where students actually live the life of an astronomer. Kopernik must be saved for the good of the community!

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