Protect Polar Bears and Icy Homes from Arctic Drilling

Two-thirds of the world's polar bears could be extinct by 2050 and President Obama is on the verge of allowing shell to drill for oil in the heart of their habitat -- Alaska's Chukchi Sea. Drilling could start by next summer, putting polar bears and the Arctic at risk of a disastrous oil spill that would be next to impossible to clean up.

Polar bears are already in serious trouble: Global warming is rapidly melting the sea ice they depend on.

It's not too late to stop Shell from drilling. The Bureau of Ocean energy Management is taking public comment on this dangerous proposal and they need to hear from you.

Tell them loud and clear that drilling in the Chukchi Sea is not OK -- polar bears cannot afford a catastrophic offshore oil spill in their backyard and neither can we.

Please sign our petition and demand the Bureau stop Shell Oil's proposed Arctic exploration and protect polar bears.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I'm writing to urge you not to approve Shell Oil's exploration plan to drill the Chukchi Sea in Summer 2012. Shell does not have a realistic plan for dealing with an oil spill in the Arctic Ocean. A spill would be a disaster for imperiled species already living on the edge, including polar bears, Pacific walruses and bowhead whales.

The Obama administration has admitted we don't know enough about the dangers of drilling in the Arctic Ocean to hold new oil and gas lease sales there now. If we don't know enough to hold lease sales, we certainly don't know enough to start putting drills in the water.

Shell's plan would be a massive expansion of Arctic drilling. The Arctic is already suffering from climate change and cannot withstand the onslaught of industrial oil development. Please reject Shell's plan to drill in the Chukchi Sea and help move the country in the right direction.
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