Allow bear, and wolf hunts to be filmed by the wolf patrol. Get rid of Right to hunt act, that allows hunters the right to tresspass with hounds on private property, and doesn't allow appropriate documentation of numbers of wolves and bear that are hunted

Hunters usually follow the rules, I used to hunt. It is a beautiful experience to work together as a unit, and bring food home to the family, clean it use all of it, and participate in one of lifes natural things, I believe everyone should experience this atleast once, but recently there have been undocumented numbers of wolf, and bear killings. Last year they had to stop the wolf hunt early thanks to the wolf patrol who documented the truth. The DNRs numbers of wolves hunted was lower than it should have been.

If it weren't for the wolf patrol wolf numbers could have been so low they may not have recovered. I included a photo of a now (extinct wolf). The rate of extinction is increasing exponentially because of land and habitat loss, and at times in the past because of over hunting.  We really have to be carefull and protect what we have. I see accurate counts helping hunters, and wildlife, why is this an issue, could it be because the accusing hunter wanted more than his fair share.
This year there is no Wolf hunt because wolf patrol let the TRUTH out.
The Wisconsin DNR ( under staffed) is already gifting over 2000$ to hunters whose dogs are killed on the hunt, Maybe irresponsibly, maybe by accident, and they are allowed to trespass on private land during hunting season. Now (AB433) bill will make it possible for police and DNR to arrest non hunting land owners for intervening during a hunt on there own property. There definition of harassment includes talking to a hunter, scaring game away, approaching a hunter, basically the definition of harassment is left up to the hunter. All this to take away our RIGHT TO KNOW how many wolves are being hunted, and bear. Of course a state with no game leaves no reason to protect land,or national forests. Try describing a wolf howl to a child before you leave this unsigned.

Dear Rep, Adam Jarchow

28th Assembly Destrict Madison

Please allow the Wolf patrol to keep a silent watch over Wisconsin wolves. To continue filming what goes on behind closed doors in the woods. Hunters and conservationist's should be one the same page, but politics has created a gap.

The wolves are in danger, and should be counted accurately. Film is a good legal way to do this, It is our right to film, and speak freely. People are filmed when they walk into stores, and public places, but our last unseen wolves can not be filmed because certain hunters who have the right to bear arms out in the woods at dusk are afraid to be seen, and now wan't to take away our right to speak.

 Last year the Department of Natural Resources had an inaccurate count because there simply weren't enough game wardens to keep accurate records. Allow us to know what the true count is, by allowing the hunt to be filmed.

There is a gap between true numbers, and estimated numbers always. This information is vital to the survival of wolf packs, and bear, and did not interrupt last years hunt. The reason the hunt stopped early was because the Wolf patroll counted more dead wolves than the DNR did, and when it was seen by the public the DNR stopped the hunt so the remaining wolves would have a chance to recover.  Already DNR money goes to hunters who lose there dogs, yet they are understaffed, and the forest is suffering from lack of maintenance, and awareness.

   I think we all want to see wolves thrive so we will still be able to hear, and see them once in a while. I think we want our freedom of speech, and film under the 1st amendment to be protected. I also think it would benefit true sportsmen who like a good hunt, and not a slaughter. I am sure a true sportsmen a real hunter would not hunt something on the brink of extinction. I know hunters who respectfully turn down a hunt because the numbers are off. They apreciate and respect the life they take, it's environment, and know it's reason for existence.

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