Tell SeaWorld: Free Tilly, and No Wild Orca For Entertainment!

  • af:
  • mottagare: Jim Atchison, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment President

The killer whale, Tilikum, has been confined to a concrete pool for almost 30 years. He is unable to swim the 100 miles per day that a 60-ton orca like him is capable of, or exhibit other natural, wild behaviors. Since he was captured from his home near Iceland when he was about 2 years old, Tilikum, or Tilly, has been serving as a breeding bull and entertainment in marine parks like SeaWorld, where he drowned one of the trainers, Dawn Brancheau, with his aggresive "playing".

Tilly's actions show a discord between marine parks and the animals they hold captive for entertainment.

Marine mammal scientists like Dr. Naomi Rose say that Tilly's boredom and depression have lead to escalated aggressive behavior: he has been linked to other deaths from "playing" too roughly with people in his tank -- but this time Tilly pulled the trainer into the water. Dr. Rose says that "Orca attacks are entirely foreseeable and are likely to happen again".

Unfortunately, SeaWorld has announced that they plan on keeping Tilly in captivity, and will continue to use him in shows. Animal advocates are asking that Tilly be relocated to a sea pen, where he won't be released into the dangerous wilderness he's not prepared to face, but will be in a more pleasurable and natural environment. Tell SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment President Jim Atchison to relocate Tilly to a sea pen and to stop the use of wild-caught orca for entertainment.

Dear Mr. Atchison,

Tilikum, the orca, who recently drowned trainer Dawn Brancheau by pulling her into the water, has been confined to a concrete pool for almost 30 years. He is unable to swim the 100 miles per day that a 60-ton orca like him is capable of, or exhibit other behaviors natural to a wild animal. His actions represent a discord between marine parks and the animals they hold captive for entertainment.

Marine mammal experts, including Dr. Naomi Rose, say that boredom and depression cause orca like Tilly to exhibit aggressive behaviors that can lead to human death. Dr. Rose says that, "Orca attacks are entirely foreseeable and are likely to happen again."

[your comments]

SeaWorld has announced that Tilly will remain in captivity and continue to be used in shows. Since he has been in captivity for nearly three decades, he is not equipped to survive in the wild -- but a sea pen would give Tilly a more pleasurable and natural environment, away from people he could harm. For the sake of Tilly and for the safety of the people who interact with wild marine animals, give Tilly freedom and relief from life as an entertainer. I urge you to relocate him to a sea pen, and stop the use of wild-caught orca as marine park entertainment.
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