Senate Bill 516

On Wednesday, February 3, State Senator Michael Lenett (D-19) introduced Senate Bill 516, a bill that would designate certain firearms as "assault weapons" and would prohibit the possession, transfer or receiving of these so called %u201Cassault weapons%u201D by law-abiding Maryland residents.  The bill has been assigned to the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. 

With no coherent reason to ban semi-automatic firearms among honest, law-abiding residents in Maryland, SB 516 is nothing more than posturing by an extreme anti-gun politician looking to take away our Second Amendment rights.

By signing this petition you are supporting your 2nd amendment rights and taking a stand against the officials that were elected to preserve our constitution in its fullest form and have neglected the duty appointed to them.

We ask our Senators and leaders to think hard before signing any such bill as your actions will be weighed upon during the next election process! Vote NO to SB 516, We are the voters and WE have spoken!

 We the people have spoken at Tea Partys and Town hall meetings, The criminal theft of our rights and freedoms under the guis of political interpretation will no longer stand! We have stood by idle for far to long watching as those we elected to preserve our constitution and way of life sell out to there own hidden personal interests. Our constitution is not open for debate. We are the Tax payers, The Electors, The workers and law abiding citizens! Our rights are our own and shall not be infringed, We ask that you strike down SB 516 in all of its form. Remember, Elections come sooner than later.

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