Get Fraser Coast to ZERO Euthanasia of Healthy Cats and Dogs!

  • von: Lisa King
  • empfänger: Fraser Coast Regional Council



Research shows that 65% of people who surrender undesexed cats and dogs have not desexed them because they just didn't get around to it or because of financial circumstances.  Desexing promotion and reduced prices can make an important contribution to preventing unwanted cats and dogs.

It really does create happiness for everyone when vets and Councils get involved and more people desex their pets.

Cats and dogs are safer and happier if desexed. They are less likely to roam and get into fights, or hit by cars or impounded.  They are less likely to get mammary and testicular cancer, and urinary tract disease.

Owners find it easier to care for desexed cats and dogs because they are more homely and affectionate, and less frustrated wanting to get out and find a mate.

Currently on average nationally only 40% of abandoned cats and 60% of abandoned dogs who enter pounds and shelters are rehomed.  

With fewer unwanted cats and dogs due to desexing, those already in shelters are more likely to find homes.  

Unwanted kittens and puppies will no longer have to be killed.  This will certainly make  staff and volunteers of the Fraser Coast Regions Shelter and Animal Rescue Groups happy, Councils have less nuisance issues when there are fewer animals straying and breeding.

"With the down turn in the economy, shelters and pounds around Australia are struggling with more animals being handed in, fewer animals being adopted and less money being donated to help care for them," said Sylvana Wenderhold, NDN Director.  %u201CThis leads to increased euthanasia.%u201D

An estimated 100 000 cats and 80 000 dogs are being killed in pounds and shelters in Australia every year, and over 80 000 dogs.



We the undersigned would like you to seriously consider adopting a similar attitude about assisting the community with funding for a Desexing initiative that is in place on the Gold Coast.

With the help of a couple of local Veterinary clinics, we could easily reduce our local Euthanasia rate to Zero by assisting the pet owners by making it more affordable to desex their pets. Research shows that 65% of people who surrender undesexed cats and dogs have not desexed them because they just didn't get around to it or because of financial circumstances.  Desexing promotion and reduced prices can make an important contribution to preventing unwanted cats and dogs.

It really does create happiness for everyone when vets and Councils get involved and more people desex their pets and with the current Microchipping initiative in place, finding the homes for lost animals will be an easier task for everyone involved.

"With the down turn in the economy, shelters and pounds around Australia are struggling with more animals being handed in, fewer animals being adopted and less money being donated to help care for them," said Sylvana Wenderhold, NDN Director. %u201CThis leads to increased euthanasia.%u201D

An estimated 100 000 cats and 80 000 dogs are being killed in pounds and shelters in Australia every year, and over 80 000 dogs.

Please Fraser Coast Regional Council, do the right thing and support your community to make it a better, animal friendly environment.  We thank you for taking the time to read this letter and we look forward to your rapid response.


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