Save Rebecca Herbst

Longtime fan favorite and two-time Emmy nominee Rebecca Herbst has been fired from General HospitalABC Soaps In Depthconfirmed rumors of the actress' exit earlier tonight on Twitter. "Storyline dictates the exit of Elizabeth Webber this spring. The next few months promise to be 'not-to-miss' story for the character. We at ABC and GH wish Rebecca Herbst nothing but the best in her future endeavors," said ABC in a statement to SID.
Herbst joined the cast of General Hospital in 1997 as bad girl Elizabeth Webber, the granddaughter of Steve and Audrey Hardy, the daughter of Jeff Webber. Her first few months pitted her against sister Sarah over the affections of Lucky Spencer. After Elizabeth's traumatic rape in 1998, it was Lucky who helped her through her pain and helped her rebuild her life. Over the last 14 years Elizabeth has experienced love, loss and happiness. No longer the self-centered trouble maker after her rape, Elizabeth "found" herself in her skills as an artist, life as a mother and calling as a nurse. She's loved many over the years -- Lucky Spencer, Ric Lansing and Jason Morgan -- with each man playing pivotal role in some of the most important times of her life.

From: SoapOperaSource
We the undersigned do not want a General Hospital without Rebecca Herbst and Elizabeth Webber. Elizabeth has been a fan favorite since 1997 and her story is far from over. We ask that the "storyline that dictates the exit of Elizabeth Webber" be changed.
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