Remake Final Fantasy VI (U.S III) for PS3

Final Fantasy VI  also known as Final Fantasy III in North America when it was first released, is a console role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) in 1994 as a part of the Final Fantasy series. The game first appeared on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, then was ported by TOSE with minor differences to Sony's PlayStation and Nintendo's Game Boy Advance.

Final Fantasy VI has more battle customization options than its predecessors and has the largest playable cast in the Final Fantasy series to date, excluding spin-off titles. It remains widely praised for its storyline and characters.

However, because of the later FFVII, which was released years later on PS1, FF6 was nearly forgotten because of its 2D graphics did not appeal to the newer generation of gamers.

The story, Characters and Game play of FFVI is unmatched by any of its predecessors. This epic game has sat in the shadows for far too long. It is deserving of a full graphical remake onto a newer platform. (PS3)

Help us bring this beautiful and well deserving game to the newer generation!
Final Fantasy VI has more battle customization options than its predecessors and has the largest playable cast in the Final Fantasy series to date, excluding spin-off titles. It remains widely praised for its storyline and characters.

However, because of the later FFVII, which was released years later on PS1, FF6 was nearly forgotten because of its 2D graphics did not appeal to the newer generation of gamers.

The story, Characters and Game play of FFVI is unmatched by any of its predecessors. This epic game has sat in the shadows for far too long. It is deserving of a full graphical remake onto a newer platform. (PS3)

It is our wishes that you would please consider this game for a remake. This petition is to show you, the producers, that if you did remake this game, that it will sell and sell well!
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