Obama: Adopt a cat!

  • von: Cat lovers
  • empfänger: Democratic nominee Barack Obama
The Obama family has been reported to be considering a family pet, especially in light of polls that show pet-loving Americans prefer that their presidents have furry friends. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary has mobilized thousands to encourage Obama to adopt a dog from a shelter - a laudable goal that we whole heartedly support. But how about a cat, too?

Cats are intelligent, noble, affectionate and independent - all perfect qualities for a White House pet. And 70% of cats brought into this countried shelters are killed before they can be adopted. Obama could be part of the solution to America's feral cat problem!
Dear Senator Obama and family -

I applaud you for considering bringing a companion animal into your lives. Pets are wonderful members of the family and will bring years of joy to you and your children. As a cat lover, I encourage you to consider adopting a cat - or two! Seventy percent of cats brought in to America's animal shelters are killed before they can be adopted out. This staggering loss of life is preventable, and by adopting a cat you can help lead the way to a more humane America. Adopting a shelter cat would shine a spotlight on the desperate need for pet adoption and educate Americans on responsible pet ownership.

Adopting a cat would tie in to your economic agenda, allowing you an opportunity to highlight how our animal friends are suffering from the mortgage crisis. As home foreclosures rise, pets are often left behind as their owners need to downsize, move or rent after losing their homes.

Thank you for considering my plea to adopt a cat for your family.

[Your Name Here]
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