Take the High Fructose Corn Syrup Challenge

The Corn Refiners Association claims that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is chemically comparable to sugar and is natural because it's made from corn. But recent research out of Princeton University indicates otherwise. HFCS is directly correlated with obesity, and since it's cheap to produce, it has wound up as a sweetener and preservative in foods ranging from soda and ketchup to yogurt and bread. 

So, considering the negative impacts of HFCS on your health, we thought it would be a good idea to propose a petition, a challenge if you will, to give up HFCS for one day. If one day is too easy, go for a week or a month. Pay attention to the ingredient list on your cereal, opt for fresh fruits and veggies instead of processed foods, pour yourself a glass of water instead of reaching for that soda. 

It should be your choice, not corn lobbyists', of what you put in your body. 
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