Remove Slaughtering of Animals From Mega Exemption in Service Tax

The Service Tax law of india specifically provides exemption from tax to people who slaughter animals.Laws are meant to protect living beings from injustice & not to encourage immoral acts of cruelty.Laws in no possible case should provide amenity to killers.Slaughtering service is exempted from the purview of Service tax & it indicates that the Government is promoting Murder.So this is an honest request to the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi that if you cannot make laws to protect killing of innocent animals then at least don't make laws that encourages murder.I hereby request the removal of slaughtering service from Mega Exemption of Service Tax.

Update #1vor 8 Jahren
Thanks for signing the petition on removal of slaughtering of animals from mega exemption,directed to the prime minister of india..Please share this petition and help us get to 50000 signs because together we can move a mountain.
Subham Sharma
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