Revising Policy &Procedures

  • von: Lena Barnes
  • empfänger: Director of Food and Nutrition Services
Rotating weekends across the boad for all employees. No employee should be entitled to one weekend a month, especially when rotating has been done previously in the past. I believe in adhering to policy and fairness across the board. Researching data of multiple departments within the hospital, research showed every department that keep the hospital functional weekends are Rotated. (E.g. Nurses, Environmental Services, Admission Representatives, Patient Care Assistants') Question arises Why? can't the Food and Nutrition Department be on one accord with the entire health care industry. When workers are completely Overworked, for the job performed without having a period off to recharge, complaints start to develop. Missing work becomes revelant, Attitudes are present. This cause lots of choas within the department, which produces an Unhealthy working environment for All participants involved.
Goal. In order to keep productivity effective and efficient within Food and Nutrition department, Directors and Managers must sit down and revise and implement a strategic plan of Operation. If management can plan out a six week schedule for employees, surely they can put more effort into rotating employee's weekend off.
My connection to this problem, a current employee & (Graduate with a Degree in Health Administration & Management)of the Food and Nutrition Service Department.
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