Help Support P.U.P.S of 2011

  • von: Shari Null
  • empfänger: Senator Jim Gerlach, Senator Jeremy thiesfeldt, Senator Randy Hopper

In puppy mills dogs are kept in cramped and dirty cages with little or no socialization. These dogs tend to have many more behavioral issues than dogs who don't come from puppy mills. Dogs in puppy mills also have many more health problems and hereditary defects than dogs not from puppy mills. Examples include mange, breathing issues, hip dysplasia, eye and ear infection, and more. The 2011 P.U.P.S Act is the first big step we can take to helping these dogs live a better life. This Act would require that any breeder who sells or offers to sell more then 50 dogs annually directly to the public or over the internet to be licensed and inspected. It would also make sure that the dogs get the appropriate amount of exercise, have a good amount of space while kenneled, and that their basic health needs are being met. Sign today to help dogs that are suffering in puppy mills everywhere.

 Dear Senators I feel very strongly about this petition and so do many other people. I hope you take this into consideration when voting on this bill .
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