Companies including Pampers are launching "smart high tech diapers" with sensors attached to diapers to sense wetness and track urine. The sensors work in concert with a Wi-Fi baby monitor and an app that lets parents keep track of baby's diaper situation and lets them know when the baby needs to be changed.

    Parents need to know about safety considerations from electromagnetic exposure when buying wireless tech devices. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends reducing exposure from wireless devices. "They’re not toys. They have radiation that is emitted from them and the more we can keep it off the body and use in other ways, it will be safer,” said Jennifer A. Lowry, M.D.

    To see upcoming products:

    Please see the Environmental Health Trust for other tech items to avoid:’t you watch the news or see the Ocean full of plastic. How stupid is a mother or carer that they would have no idea when baby needs changing. This makes me lose faith in the human race yet again. No gimmicks no plastic.they are just fine as they are. Or will you be financially contributing for the clean up of the Oceans and all the sea creatures that die because of stupid ideas like this. The gimmick age went in the 90s . It’s all about saving the planet we’ve killed. Bringing Mother back to life. Stop giving her more pain. Terrible. Sad. You should maybe look at the damage plastic causes this planet or have you all at Pampers been living in a cave. Not to mention the amount of radiation near a babys Nappy are!! Rant over. Thank you
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