• von: Lozzi 
  • empfänger: All Jonas Brothers Fans


It's no secret that the boys are on tour, or that they are going on a world tour..

But!! What is a secret is whether or not Australia is included as one of the countries they will be touring.

They've included the US (obviously), Europe and Asia...

WE have to make sure Australia is included!!

That means that us Aussies need to make sure we get on that tour date list with at LEAST 10 concerts (hopefully more) throughout Oz.

Sign this petition, advertise it on Myspace, Facebook, Bebo Twitter, Jonas Brothers fan websites.. the actual Jonas Brothers Home Page in the comment section!!

Tell your friends about it, your family, work mates; everyone!!

Just help make sure our voice is heard

We want Jonas Brothers concerts...

We need Jonas Brothers concerts...

If you are a self proclaimed Jonas Brothers fan or a fellow OJD sufferer (Obsessive Jonas Disorder)..

then read on

The Jo Bro's have said they are going on a world tour sometimes during 2009

They said they LOVE AUSTRALIA!! (they must do, they named a song after us and everything =] )

They have released their 3D movie here (which was awesome) and the new album is due to comeout soon.

But it's not the same as a live concert.

So sign this petition to boost JB's support in Oz and help give us the best shot possible of getting included in that tour 

Thank you

A Jonas Brothers concert would be the best night in any fans life
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