Whale Shark turist activities overexploited

  • von: martin salgado
  • empfänger: PROFEPA (Mexican Federal Agency for Environment Protection)

Whale Shark turist activities are overexploited reducing the quality of life for the specie. Only for two months per year, whale sharks arrives close to Holbox Island in the Mexican Caribbean, this is a temporary stop for feeding and rest in their exhausting annual migration around the globe. While they try to find food, boats full of turist comes everyday for more than observation, people invade waters snorkeling, contaminating water with suntan oil and diesel remainders from boats engines, people also touch animals that results in injuries and stress, 100% of whalesharks have been hit by boats presenting deep cuts on their bodies, skin and fins.    

There is any vigilance for authorities during the season, no limits for human interaction with whalesharks nor control on the number of boats in the area up to 20 people can follow and harass a single whaleshark.

Tell PROFEPA (Mexican Federal Agency for Environment Protection) to take action in monitoring of turist activities and protection of whalesharks by making rules for the proper sighting and susteinable ecotourism in Holbox island, before it's too late.

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