Ban the petting zoo at the University of Southampton

The petting zoo comes to the University of Southampton each year in order to destress students over the exam period. Students can pet and hold a range of animals from alpacas to guinea pigs.
It may seem like a good idea but since animals cannot express their feelings, we must be their voice. Behind the scenes, these farm animals are put with other animals they wouldn't naturally mix with in confined spaces to be transported from the farms to travel to different universities. They are then put into small pens and have to stand on the cold concrete for hours on end whilst loud crowds of students approach them to take photos and have a laugh whilst they awkwardly try and pick up a goat.

Animals are not entertainment, they feel fear and loneliness and it definitely is not their choice to be there.

Being surrounded by animals and nature is an effective way to destress but passing our stress onto these animals is inhumane. There are many other ways we can let go of stress by visiting nature parks for example where animals can choose whether they want to be around people or not.

Please sign this petition to get the petting zoo banned.

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