to reverse adoption from the state of Oklahoma county of adair DHS system at age 9

    in 2014 I was removed from my home with my other 3 siblings who I have no ideal where they are at and in 2016 my mothers parenting rights were took from her in Adair county of Ok.and we were placed in DHS custody for Adoption Iwas adopted by my foster parent at the time A single mother of 1 but since my adoption She has married and Had another child during the time of her pregnacy she placed me with other friends and family members for the fear of loosing her child due to injurys and miscarrage and then this continued after the child was born for fear I may hurt the baby which will be a year old on May 17th I have never felt a part of this family and she and her son has said on many occasions That they did not want me in there home.I had druther be in the DHS fostering system than stay where I am not wanted my foster mother and father who had me previous to this placement wanted to adopt me but were told that I already had an adoption placement and I have consulted them asking if they would consider adopting me now If I go back into the fostering system And they will as well as my other siblings that are still in the system.
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