Florida needs Statewide low cost_free spay/neuter Intervention for cats and dogs

~~This is NOT a mandatory spay/neuter bill.~~


Note: IF YOU LIVE OUTSIDE the State of Florida, please don't sign this Petition-go to THIS page instead for a "generic" low cost_free spay/neuter which will automatically send an email to your State law maker; this Petition can apply for ANY State in the nation. Access it here:  


~Again, this is NOT a mandatory spay/neuter proposal~~

QUESTION: Why does Florida need a low cost_free spay/neuter intervention for the entire State?

ANSWER: In 2008,  Florida tax payers paid  $93,953,431.00 on animal control whose main designated function is to kill homeless and unwanted pets as a means of population control (they have other functions, but this is the main one).  



Karen Parker, a spokesperson for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, said there are about 5 million feral and free-ranging cats statewide, and numbers are rising (read below).

NEED FOR LOW COST AND FREE SPAY/NEUTER LAW-FUNDED FROM ANIMAL CRUELTY AND ANIMAL ORDINANCE VIOLATION SURCHARGES (also voluntary check mark to donate a dollar towards low cost/free spay/neutering when renewing one's auto license tags!).

please see-


: Animal control is extremely expensive throughout the State of Florida. Cost of animal control throughout the State of Florida: $93,953,431 for ONE YEAR (See below table). Cost of animal control goes up yearly. Without a doubt it will be at the $94 million dollar mark next year. Counties pay for animal control, which also funds such services as law enforcement, education, etc.,  which required State and Federal funds to balance the books.

Animals suffer and 90% die (on the average) in animal shelters. It takes a heavy emotional toll on animal control workers. Killing for the most part entirely adoptable cats, kittens, dogs, and cats as a means of population control is expense, and cruel.

This is an ongoing problem, and all shelters are full to capacity with other alternative than to destroy them as a means of population control.  Most animal control conditions are far from humane for both animals; they know they are going to die. Animal control personnel often suffer emotional trauma from compassion for the animals-contrary to popular belief, one never gets used to it.

MOST DOG POUNDS follow this scenario as outlined in Manatee County, FL


-Impounded dogs and cats will only receive minimal care.
-No adoption or transfer program for dogs and cats which results in an estimated 91% euthanasia rate. Any animal not claimed
within 7 to 10 days will be euthanized.
-Loss of shelter staff due to compassion fatigue from high animal euthanasia rate.
-Increased cost for euthanasia solution and propane to operate the incinerator due to increased euthanasia.
-Inability to provide staff for pet friendly shelters in time of disaster.

PLAN: Low cost and free spay/neutering available for all Floridians who choose this intervention to contribute to their community not adding to pet overpopulation explosion.  Funded by Surcharges imposed for all animal cruelty and animal ordinance violation, per charge. In addition, another suggestion is to provide a check mark space when one renews their driver's license tags if they voluntarily wish to donate a dollar toward the low cost and free spay/neutering.

GOALS: The cost of spay/neutering on the average is $250 for a single female cat when you call the vet.  A male cat is close to $200.  Affordability and in certain cases, free, spay/neuterings to motivate more people to voluntarily spay/neuter their pets as a means of helping their community decrease the horrendous expense of breeding cats (mostly), often homeless animals. Homeless cats are highly elusive, and they breed faster than animal control can kill them.    Due to a poor economy and jobless rates, people are dumping their pets and not altering them.  Dogs and cats do NOT have the option of condoms, so they breed relentlessly. Most people prefer spay/neutering as it curbs the urge to wander (and get hit by cars), spraying, and spay/neutering PREVENTS reproductive cancers and tumors like in the prostate and breast (cats can indeed get breast cancer like people do-spaying prevents that).  

This is just one small example what is happening throughout the State-people are abandoning their pets, which most are neither spayed nor neutered and are breeding like wildfire!-at great expense to local counties affecting State funds (dog pounds come from the same funds as law enforcement and education that State supplements local governments); these ejected pets get no care and the potential for disease is enormous-including rabies, toxoplasmosis and worm parasites; children often go barefoot, and may be exposed to homeless animals which never get vet care or vaccinations.  Neutered dogs are less likely to bite.


-There are not enough homes for all the puppies and kittens born from pets whose owners simply did not spay and neuter them.

-One unspayed female dog, her mate and their offspring can produce up to 67,000 dogs in only 6 years.

-ONE unspayed female cat, her mate and all of their offspring can produce 370,092 in just 7 years. There literally millions of homeless cats in a single State alone. One single pair of breeding cats-one male and female-considering six offspring survive yearly-produces 2 million cats over 10 years. This data is Florida specific citing merely a few examples of the result of out of control homeless and breeding pets, especially cats.

--Low cost spay/neutering  will begin to save local governments millions of dollars every year.

Over 300,000 dogs and cats are euthanized in Florida (about 10 to 15 million every year nationwide), with each county paying $60 to $250 per animal, even with minimal care.  Each dog pound, run by the county, pays enormously to kill homeless and unwanted pets virtually all of them will be killed as a means of population control.

--Low cost spay/neutering will increase public safety. Animal control is most often under local municipalities also funding education,  public safety department budgets, burdening taxpayers and taking money away from police and firefighters.  By having affordable spay/neutering, cuts the dog and cat overpopulation in half, we can put 500 (or more) new cops on the streets for each State!

One unneutered male dog or cat can impregnate dozens of females in a month, leading to thousands of unwanted animals.

~~SPAY/NEUTERING PREVENTS REPRODUCTIVE CANCERS! Did you know most cats six years and older get breast cancer-happens commonly with unspayed cats. SPAYED CATS RARELY GET BREAST TUMORS AND CANCERS.~~


"Breast cancer is rare among spayed females, especially those neutered before their first heat cycle. Early spaying reduces the risk factors sevenfold.  Breast tumors occur frequently in unspayed cats. Eighty percent are malignant (adenocarcinoma). The rest are benign adenomas. Breast cancer is the third most common cancer in cats. Most affected cats are unspayed females over 6 years old."

Dogs also suffer breast cancers; male cats and dogs also suffer reproductive cancers which neutering prevents drastically.


http://www.chieflandcitizen.com/cgi-bin/c2.cgi?022 article Features 20091104155544022022001

11/6/09-Kathleen Fleck, president of Sheltering Hands Inc., said that because of the state of the economy, the number of abandoned animals is on the rise. Fleck said out-of-control cat populations (Quote) impact the health of cats everywhere....  Left unchecked, feral cat populations can also threaten humans with rabies and cause a lot of damage to wildlife, she said. Keep them in a healthy, low-impact population.  It helps reduce impact on wildlife..(unquote).  Karen Parker, a spokesperson for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, said there are about 5 million feral and free-ranging cats statewide, and numbers are rising.


Small example: Cats overrun abandoned in trailer parks such as in this vacant Bonita trailer park.


"BONITA SPRINGS, Quote:  Stand on the roadside at Glade Haven, an abandoned RV and trailer park in Bonita Springs, and you'll see them. Kittens hop in the weeds behind their mother, who lounges on the edge of a dirt road. Adult cats, some skinny and some sickly, emerge from around and beneath the trailers.  Some wander over to strangers and brush against their legs. Others run away when approached." Glade Haven's situation is similar to that of Manna Christian Mission RV Park, a low-income park on Bonita Beach Road. Many homeowners abandoned pets when they evacuated for floods last summer. Lee County Domestic Animal Services collected many of the pets and offered to give them back to homeowners, but few were claimed. Cats now roam the empty lots. Solutions are disappearing. A deflated economy is straining animal services, both private and public, in both Lee and Collier counties. Many operations are now turning animals away. Nicki Whaley, an employee of Animal Refuge Center, a Fort Myers rescue operation that takes feral cats, estimated she receives 100 calls inquiring about leaving an animal for every one adoption. "We're not accepting (animals) now," she said. "We're getting much more calls for people dropping them off." She says families can't afford to keep the pets, given job losses and depleted incomes. Collier County commissioners are looking at deep cuts in their Domestic Animal Services budget, a move that had threatened to end an adoption program and increase euthanizations."

(2) There are literally millions of homeless cats throughout the State of Florida, and they are breeding.

(3) Coyotes are all over Florida-they are increasing in numbers due to the availability of food: cat meat.


Outdoor Cats Easy Prey for Coyotes      
Thursday, 02 July 2009 10:55
"When coyotes were observed feeding, 42 percent of the meals were cats."


"EUSTIS, Fla., May 30, 2008 (UPI) -- Residents of a Florida neighborhood say they are pretty certain coyotes are behind a recent rash of disappearing house cats.

Folks in the Lake County neighborhood told the Orlando Sentinel Friday they have found fur and bones left behind in their yards and, in one instance, saw a coyote running off with a cat in its jaws."


6/15/09: Budget crisis could mean more euthanizations

COLLIER COUNTY: Hundreds of dogs and cats are the latest victims of Collier County's budget crisis. Collier Domestic Animal Services may be forced to end all adoptions next fiscal year and euthanize up to 1,000 MORE animals.


Orange County Animal Services Manger, Katherine Lockett said, "The numbers of animals coming into our shelter continue to increase each year," said Lockett.  "Impounds increased by six percent from 2008.


FACT: Spay/neutering combats animal cruelty: ANIMAL CRUELTY is escalating-homeless and stray animals are vulnerable targets to the multitudes of violent humans who take pleasure torturing and killing homeless cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies,  because *they are there* and vulnerable. Nobody protects homeless pets.  Literally millions of homeless cats in each state. For example, May 2009 in Miami, Florida, a teenager was charged with the brutal torture and mutilations of 20 cats that were skinned alive with bellies cut open, thrown on people's yards like trophies. Though some were family pets, many were homeless cats.

Less cats and dogs will be hit by cars due to homelessness; spay and neutering also curbs wandering (cats and dogs look for a mate following scents and get hit by automobiles.)

PEOPLE who fail to spay/neuter their cat-often dispose of them with very cruel methods-such as drowning them, throwing the live kittens in plastic bags, sealing it up so they would suffocate, and there are multiple cases where they are thrown out of MOVING vehicles far too many to mention. In one example on JULY 17, 2009, someone left SIX kittens in a sealed suitcase-left them to die (rescued, but barely alive).


Lanius and volunteer Helen Hofman open the suitcase and gasped at the furry, lumping sight. Hofman said inside were six kittens, gasping for air, with their tongues hanging out, who were drenched from their own urine. She estimates they were in the suitcase for about eight hours. The inside of the suitcase reeked. "They were literally skins and bones," said Hofman, before sticking out her tongue to paint a picture of her initial sight of the felines. It wasn't the first time someone has abandoned animals at the gate of the 400-plus cat property. And during the weekend, the shelter took in another 14 cats found abandoned in a foreclosed home. The non-profit shelter is so full, that a posted sign on a locked animal drop box states they aren't accepting any more cats. But it also warns people about the dangers of leaving cats in the nearby woods sprinkled with coyotes. " (End quote)

Increase in raccoon population: "It's reasonable to assume the raccoon population in Florida has easily doubled, maybe tripled in the last 50 or 60 years," said William Kern, associate professor of urban entomology at University of Florida.

These raccoons are not afraid of predators-one example a Lakeland woman attacked by pack of raccoons. If they attack people, they also attack stray cats and dogs, and homeless animals NEVER get rabies vaccinations posing threats to community safety and health in addition to the spread of toxoplasmosis and parasitic worms via feces.


Published October 9, 2009

"Gretchen Whitted, 74, was attacked about 5:30 p.m. Saturday at her South Lakeland home. Five raccoons bit Whitted's neck, chest, legs, head and back when she tried to shoo them away from her front porch and fell."

RACCOONS.  Over a 20 year period, there were 2,455 cases of rabies in raccoons (reported). There are, on average 13 cases of reported rabies from CATS; 265 cases over 20 year period. See:



First row: County

Second row: Cost of Animal Control: Last year (2008) ~OR~ Average cost from Official web sites of each county (or Email inquiries when not on the web-copy of sources available upon request!) These figures are in dollars, have no "cent" but rounded to the next dollar. %u201CBudget allowed%u201D proposed is a projected or %u201Cgoal%u201D figure for animal control; however,  ACTUAL costs almost always exceed budget allowed for that year.

Third row: Population: Current (2008 estimate per Census Bureau)

Fourth row: Percentage unemployed (as of 8/09)-has huge bearing on homeless animals and lack of spay/neutering due to cost (you can't spay/neuter if unemployed). Many unemployed people dump or abandon their animals-and oftentimes breed (especially cats).
COUNTIES FL...2008 Animal control cost...Population....Unemployed
Alachua County_2,415,794 Cost__241,364__7.2%_(17,378 unemployed)
Baker County__$126,190 Cost___ 26,164__10.8%_(2,826 unemployed)
Bay County___ $806,420 Cost_ __63,946__8.6%_(14,099 unemployed)
Bradford County__$3,815 Cost___29,012___8.1%_(2,350 unemployed)
Brevard County_$3,927,602 Cost_536,521_10.8% _(57,944 unemployed)
Broward County_$4,339,210 Cost__51,234_9.5% _(166,367 unemployed)
Calhoun Cty_No animal control_____13,617__8.2% _(1,117 unemployed)
Charlotte County_$654,435 Cost_ 150,060_12.1%_(18,157 unemployed)
Citrus County__$1,017,796 Cost__241,364_11.9%_(28,722 unemployed)
Clay County___$1,440,015 Cost__184,727__9.2% _(16,995 unemployed)
Collier County_$1,326,425 Cost___315,258_12.6%_(39,723 unemployed)
Columbia County_$230,850 Cost___69,092__8.7% _(6,011 unemployed)
Desoto Cty_____$350,000 Cost___ 33,991_11.3% _(3,849 unemployed)
Dixie County____$80,881 Cost____14,957_11.9% _ (1,780 unemployed)
Duval County_$3,830,588 Cost__ 850,962_11.2% _(95,308 unemployed)
Escambia Cty__$769,000 Cost____302,939_9.5% _(28,780 unemployed)
Flagler County_$157,000 Cost____ 91,247_15.7% _(14,326 unemployed)
Franklin County_$50,778 Cost_____11,202_7.1% _(795 unemployed)
Gadsden Cty___$93,458 Cost_____47,560_9.3% _(4,423 unemployed)
Gilchrist County_$33,036 Cost____17,191_9.9% _ (1,702 unemployed)
Glades County___$60,081 Cost____11,175_10.0%_(1,118 unemployed)
Gulf County____$103,401 Cost____15,667_9.1% _ (1,426 unemployed)
Hamilton Cty__NO animal control__14,348_11.0% _ (1,578 unemployed)
Hardee County__$164,378 Cost____28,888_12.6%_(35,243 unemployed)
Hendry County__$189,748 Cost_____39,453_16.4%_(6,470 unemployed)
Hernando Cty__$1,212,537 Cost___71,689_13.3% _(22,835 unemployed)
Highlands County_$636,568 Cost_100,011_11.4% _(11,401 unemployed)
Hillsborough__$8,232,248 Cost_1,180,784_11.1% _(131,067unemployed)
Holmes County__NO animal Control__ 19,328_7.4%_ (1,430 unemployed)
Indian River CTY_$535,923 Cost__132,315_15.2%_ (20,204 unemployed)
Jackson Cty_____$150,000 est~__49,656_7.4% _ (3,675 unemployed)
Jefferson Cty_____$17,000 Cost___14,547__ 8.2% _(1,193 unemployed)
Lafayetee Cty_NO animal control____8,013___7.0% _(560 unemployed)
Lake County: _$1,980,257 Cost_307,243__11.8% _(36,255 unemployed)
Lee County____$4,045,109 Cost_593,136__13.5%_(80,073 unemployed)
Leon County___$1,130,382 Cost_264,063__7.2% _ (19,013 unemployed)
Levy County____$334,528 Cost__39,460__11.5% _(4,538 unemployed)
Liberty County____No info given____ 7,957___5.6% _(446 unemployed)
Madison Cty_____$56,065 Cost__18,895__11.5% _(2,173 unemployed)
Manatee Cty____$764,215 Cost__15,766__12.3% _ (38,839 unemployed)
Marion County:__$329,628 Cost_329,628__12.9% _(42,522 unemployed)
Martin County___$99,000 Cost__138,660__11.5% _(15,946 unemployed)
Miami Dade_$10,075,000 Cost_2,398,245_11.8% _(282,993 unemployed)
Monroe County__$947,485 Cost__72,243___6.5% _(4,696 unemployed)
Nassau County__$653,304 Cost__ 69,835__10.0%_ (6,983 unemployed)
Okaloosa Cty___$768,884 Cost__179,693__6.9% _(12,399 unemployed)
Okeechobee County_$350,000 Cost__40,359_12.8%_(5,166 unemployed)
Orange County_$8,410,353 Cost_1,072,801_10.8%(115,863 unemployed)
Osceola County_$4,528,756 Cost_263,676_11.8% _(31,114 unemployed)
Palm Beach_$10,321,651 Cost_1,265,293_11.3%_(142,978 unemployed)
Pasco County__$2,486,044 Cost_471,028__12.1% _(56,994 unemployed)
Pinellas County_$5,088,100 Cost_910,260__10.9% _(99,218 unemployed)
Polk County____$2,873,153 Cost_580,594__12.2%_(70,832 unemployed)
Putnam County__$313,768 Cost__73,459__12.2% _(8,962 unemployed)
Santa Rosa Cty__$457,550 Cost__150,053__9.5%_ (14,255 unemployed)
Sarasota Cty___$231,507 Cost__372,057__11.6%_(43,159 unemployed)
Seminole County_ $255,000 Cost_410,854_10.3%_ (42,318 unemployed)
St. Lucie County_$731,535 Cost_265,108__14.7% _(38,971 unemployed)
St. Johns Cty__$1,133,548 Cost_181,540__8.5% _(15,431 unemployed)
Sumter County: __$400,000 Cost__74,721___8.6%_(6,426 unemployed)
Suwanee Cty____$95,000 Cost__ 39,802___9.3% _(3,702 unemployed)
Taylor Cty______$160,500 Cost__21,546__10.5% _ (2,262 unemployed)
Union County_NO animal Control __15,141__8.3% _ (1,257 unemployed)
Volusia County_$1,445.990 Cost__498,036_11.1% _(55,282 unemployed)
Wakulla Cty____$250,000 Cost___ 31,089__7.2% _(2,238 unemployed)
Walton County___$149,841 Cost___ 53,837__6.5% _(3,499 unemployed)
Washington Cty__$132,101 Cost____23,928__9.5% _(2,273 unemployed)

$93,953,431 TO KILL ANIMALS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA (Operating animal control in one single year in the State of Florida)

18,328,340 (estimate per Census Bureau)

1,192,748 (estimate based on the percentage given)

12.1% = 2,217,729 (estimate from 2007)-it's much higher now due to unemployment.

~~JACKSON and LIBERTY Counties have not responded to my emails regarding the cost of their animal control (several enquiries were sent over a period of several months). Jackson County is estimated based on population, using a conservative figure.  Liberty County is composed of just Bristol, so it is only assumed there is no animal control.

Hamilton, Lafayette, and Holmes Counties have no animal control due to budgets.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this much needed bill for low cost/free spay/neutering for the State of Florida to help individual counties with such expenses.
The impact of homeless/unwanted pets is quite staggering and epidemic, affecting Florida's economy, public safety and community health; without a doubt our economy contributed to homeless pets and yearly is getting worse, also causing great suffering and cruelty to companion animals. Spay/neutering also prevents reproductive cancer (breast, uterine, and prostate cancers often malignant in companion animals).

QUESTION: Why does Florida need a low cost_free spay/neuter intervention for the entire State?

ANSWER: In 2008,  Florida tax payers paid  $93,953,431.00 on animal control whose main designated function is to kill homeless and unwanted pets as a means of population control (they have other functions, but this is the main one).  

Spay and Neuter Fund by adding a voluntary contribution option on state income tax forms like home owner's/or renewal of driver's license. (another suggestion surcharges from animal cruelty/animal ordinance violations.)

The Fund would be used to to reduce the number of homeless animals through spaying and neutering, specifically by assisting persons meeting income limit standards to sterilize and vaccinate dogs and cats and to educate the public about the importance of spaying and neutering.

This bill would not only help animals, but help our municipalities (and taxpayers) that are dealing with a large number of unwanted animals. Information from other states shows that for every $1 spent on spay/neuter, $3 is saved.

COLORADO already passed a State wide low cost spay/neuter law, known as the Pet Overpopulation Fund, which
provides spay/neutering,  and education programs through a check-off on Colorado tax returns.  You may access it here:


Massachusetts proposed Senate Bill 778 to. establish a Massachusetts Spay and Neuter Fund.

If you wish to see the comprehensive report and cost of animal control for each county (in 2008), please go here-INCLUDED IN THIS URL ARE SAMPLES OF NEWS CLIPPINGS WHERE STRAY AND FERAL CATS HAVE OVER RUN COUNTIES AND IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM!


Breast, uterine, prostate cancers prevented with spay/neutering:


"Breast cancer is rare among spayed females, especially those neutered before their first heat cycle. Early spaying reduces the risk factors sevenfold.  Breast tumors occur frequently in unspayed cats. Eighty percent are malignant (adenocarcinoma). The rest are benign adenomas. Breast cancer is the third most common cancer in cats. Most affected cats are unspayed females over 6 years old."

Dogs also suffer breast cancers; male cats and dogs also suffer reproductive cancers which neutering prevents drastically.

Respectfully submitted,

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