No More Donkey Gelatin, Stop Ejiao!

    Donkeys are such an incredible species, but sadly, they are dying at a devastating rate. If you're wondering why, it is because of Ejiao. Ejiao is a hard gel under a donkey's skin that can be dissolved in hot water or alcohol to be consumed or used in beauty products such as face creams or soap. In Chinese medicine, it is believed to improve blood circulation. After donkeys are stolen, they are mistreated and then they are sold for their skins. They are transported in cramped and dangerous vehicles, starved, neglected and inhumanely slaughtered. The demand for donkeys is estimated to be 4.8 million skins a year. It's so hard to believe that in 2022, these things are still happening in the United States today! The U.S. is the third largest importer of Ejiao and it is even sold on popular websites such as Amazon! Donkeys are amazing animals, and they should never be treated this way.
    Update #3vor 2 Jahren
    come on! lets do this!
    Update #2vor 2 Jahren
    come on! lets do this!
    Update #1vor 2 Jahren
    Were almost at 100! Let's do this! Let's get to 1,000!
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