South Africa, to ban shark killers in Mozambique to use their ports!

  • von: Roman Klevets
  • empfänger: President and Government of South Africa

Millions of sharks in Mozambique killed for their fins . Waters of Mozambique is the last untouched sea, but just a few years , they can turn on the marine desert. A fisherman foreign vessels destroying fauna of Mozambique. Chinese , Japanese , Spanish and other marine vessels use the port of the South African Republic , such as Durban, as points of support. Destruction of sharks in Mozambique also reflected in the nature of South Africa ,  and a negative blow to the local ecotourism . Indeed, many marine animals of South Africa , migrate here from Mozambique. Among them are endangered whale shark . If these animals will be killed in Mozambique in South Africa  they will also disappear . South Africa, ban on foreign fishing vessels that foraged in the waters of Mozambique to use their ports !

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