Tell Congress to pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act

Recent bombshell reports revealed that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has secretly received millions of dollars worth of lavish vacations from a prominent GOP donor, over the course of many years, which he never reported.

The same donor also purchased property from Thomas, which Thomas also did not disclose. He even repeatedly claimed income from a real estate company that no longer exists! He must be held accountable for these clear violations of ethics rules – and most likely violation of the law as well.

Unfortunately, when it comes to ethics, Supreme Court Justices face little to no oversight or accountability. This has got to change!

A number of Democratic members of Congress are leading the charge to establish ethics rules within the Supreme Court by introducing the Supreme Court Ethics Act. We need Congress to pass this bill and hold Supreme Court Justices accountable!

Sign your name: Demand Congress pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act.

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