"Whatever you do to the least of these, that you do unto me" ...JESUS CHRIST

    QUESTION: On the issue of healthcare, "What would JESUS CHRIST do."

    ANSWER: JESUS CHRIST (literally) lived his life going to places to heal sick people. So you know what He would do.

    A WORD OF ADVICE: "Anything worth doing at all, is worth doing well". Especially for you Mr. President, if by 2020 you end up making only the amendments to OBAMACARE needed to help the whole country, I will campaign for you again for another 4 years. For the congressmen/congresswomen, they may be in a hurry because they have only 2 years.

    For you, Mr. President, do not rush with them. In fact, use their bills and setup a presidential commission and charge that commission with one thing: Amendments to OBAMACARE that will benefit the entire country, include everyone that is not yet insured, reduce the premium burden to everyone while maintaining the quality of health care.
    "Shoot for the moon because, if you miss, you'll become one of the stars. Don't shoot for the stars because if you miss, you'll become part of the darkness surrounding the stars"

    There's a proverb which says: "When you go to get potato from the farm and you hurriedly grab the stem and pull in a hurry, guess what, you will end up with just the stem. You will now have to stop, go back, bend down and dig a little deeper to get the tubers from the ground.

    Let's agree that OBAMACARE was rushed, the first time around, so we ended up with just the stem. This time around, let us stop, go back, bend down and dig for the tubers. I mean, all of the tubers. If it's worth doing at all, it is worth doing well.
    My father used to say: " In some situations, it is better to come late and bring a lot of things for everybody than to come early and empty handed." This is one of those situations where it is better if we come late with a lot of goodies for everyone.

    DIAGNOSIS: The problem with OBAMACARE is the offspring of the same problem that has plagued this country. This is the 21st century and we should outgrow this problem. We all agree that a good and affordable health care system will be the greatest achievement of the United States government.

    HERE'S THE PROBLEM: How will you feel in 50yrs, 100yrs or even 150yrs from now and the name OBAMACARE is still being used. That means that the greatest president those future generations will be remembering will be President OBAMA. That is the problem with the country today. I challenge the politicians to drop the use of the phrase: 'REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE' and rather use this phrase: 'AMEND OBAMACARE'. Let's give credit to whom it is due. President OBAMA achieved something that no other president achieved, so let's agree that since he started it and is now pointing us in the right direction, it is only noble that we make sure that his name is associated with it forever.

    1. If there is one phrase of the OBAMACARE that is in these new congressional bills, That is stealing from Obamacare (plagiarism). It should be called AMENDMENT TO OBAMACARE.

    2. If there is any provision of OBAMACARE adopted by this congress, That is stealing (plagiarism). It should be called AMENDMENT TO OBAMACARE.

    3. If the congress will keep some items in the current OBAMACARE, the they should call it AMENDED OBAMACARE and not steal the credit from Barak Obama.

    4. If you want to REPEAL OBAMACARE, then you should come up with an original idea/concept that will get everybody covered. Don't play the midnight robber on Obama and repackage his bill, rename it and then say you repealed and replaced Obamacare with this one which is really amended version of OBAMACARE.

    5. Howbeit that these bills from the congress are not copyright protected.

    6. If OBAMACARE and these bills, both the House and the Senate version, are books sold in the store, the Senate version and the House bill will be guilty of Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism.

    So our Honorable Senators, why are you saying "REPEAL". Please use the correct word "AMEND". That makes the wise ones among us feel better that the truth is being represented. It also gives credit to whom it's due.

    Howbeit that everyone is acting as if we are all fools.
    1. McConell's hatred for this black man, Obama, is making him make the worst judgments for this country.
    Remember that Obama is half you (white) and half us (Black) and he has Asian Siblings, Jewish Uncles. We are all represented in Obama so shut down your prejudice and racism. As president, he did things to help the struggling ones among every race or creed in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
    Even if he wanted, Obama cannot hate any race because in the white people, he sees his mother and in the black people he sees his father, In the Jews, he sees his uncle, in the Asians, he sees his siblings. So please stop throwing punches at someone that has his hands tied behind his back.

    2. Of course he is a peaceful man and a peace maker. He has a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE to show for it. Will you petition the NOBEL ORGANIZATION to REPEAL his NOBEL PRIZE also?

    3. Remember, Honorable Congressmen and Honorable Senators, "A hungry man is an angry man and a scared man shoots at his own shadow". Do you guys have to resort to that? Get us hungry and scared so we can be steered to any direction you want? Even that position is much better than taking our ACA coverage so we will die.
    Remember this also: You are in DC because there is no building that will accommodate all 300 million of us at the same time to debate and vote for this. As a result, we sent you to DC to be our mouthpiece and not for you to be the mouthpiece of your party or to kick us out of our health care. Maybe, in a situation like this, you guys should bring it back to us as a referendum. So our votes will help you guys hear what we are saying. In the interest of honesty, you guys should think about making a law that should be taking matters like this, back to voters as referendums.

    4. Politically right or wrong, You congressmen and congresswomen should know this: "there is God and he is recording your actions in his judgment book. When you prey on our impuissance, God is watching and recording it. On that last day, you will receive the rewards of your stewardship. Check out Matthew 25:35-end. I AM GLAD THAT I AM NOT IN YOUR SHOES. God will really have a ball, on that judgment day, when He throws you guys to hell and Satan will spank you guys with scorpions.
    Please, make sure you take a mental picture of us. The people you will kick out of OBAMACARE because you want to use our OBAMACARE subsidy money as TAX CUTS for those who are already rich and don't need it. Remark us very well because, on the last day, we will be the ones God will ask to kick your asses into the gates of hell.

    5. That phrase "REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE" is total nonsense. It is a fruit from that evil tree of RACISM. America has grown past that foolishness. Close your eyes and imagine what the world will look like in a hundred years from now. Pure races will be the minority and discriminated against. Now, Mr. President, how would you like the thought of your great-great-grand-children being discriminated against and mistreated, in a country that you once served as the president? What goes around, comes around.

    6. Remember Adolf Hitler, I can bet you that he still has some descendants and relatives but they must have all changed their names and are living in shame, in hiding and in fear. Is that what you want for your descendants Mr. President? or you, Mr. Senator? or even you Mr. Congressman/Congresswoman? You should all look past your noses and see what's ahead. That is, actually, part of the requirements of your jobs. Make laws that will guide the country into the future and not ones that will cause us to be walking backwards.

    7. To check whether you are on the right track, please don't look at any polls. All you have to do is ask yourself this question: "What would JESUS CHRIST do."

    8. ANSWER: JESUS CHRIST (literally) lived his life going to places to heal sick people. Believe your BIBLE and not me. Anything that you can do to get more people covered, that action will get the approval of JESUS CHRIST. If your current amendment will cause one insured person to lose his coverage, that is the wrong move. Whatever amendment you will make and it will keep the current insured customers and get some new people covered, that will be approved by JESUS CHRIST.

    If it is true that wisdom comes with age, then I believe that the following Senators owe it to us (the future generations) to leave a better example for us. These Senators listed below are all older than Trump and they should group together and go to the White House, sit Donald Trump down and talk to him like the elder statesmen and women they are. America is our home and it is getting ready to burn down.

    We are all Americans before we became Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Let's defend America first before our political party. Please guys, when you go to the President, here is a suggestion: we are almost tired of Russia so keep any Russian issues under wraps. Talk about the health care of Americans ONLY and honestly.
    This is a matter of life and death and should be handled with HONESTY.

    For you Mr. McConell, Obama is no longer the President so can you, please, please stop fighting Obama. He is now a private citizen. Leave him alone and help the future generation. This is now the lives of your countrymen and women in your hands. You (as a Senator) and Obama (as former President) have the best health care coverage. Why will you be so heartless and wicked as to prey on our impuissance. God is watching all of you!!! I hope this list I have compiled is right but these Senators below are older than the President and should sit him down, and talk to him (He still respects his elders): PROTOCOLS ASIDE, THIS IS OUR ONLY COUNTRY. If my generation is ready (as young men and women) to go to war and fight and die for this country, the least you can do is to go to the White House, sit down with the president and construct a better arrangement for the country. Such meeting will comprise of the elder statesmen and women of this country and out of that meeting will come a genuine solutions to this current dilemma.

    SENATORS, note very well: your political parties will not exist if America disappears but America will exist with or without your political parties. Remember the WHIG party? It is gone but America is still here. SHAME on all of you if you cannot hand over a better country to your offspring and your descendants. SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the list:
    Sen. Dianne Feinstein
    Sen. Chuck Grassley
    Sen. Orrin Hatch
    Sen. Richard Shelby
    Sen. Jim Inhofe
    Sen. Pat Roberts
    Sen. John McCain (I salute you sir. I know you love this country. What have they done to a brave warrior to make him softer than jelly. Arise, oh brave warrior, arise. Your country needs you. If this is the last sacrifice you make for your country, the future generations will praise you and will not forget you. You are an inspiration to a lot of us. Look at your scars from Vietnam. Did you almost lose your life for a country that will engage in this reprehensible act of preying on the impuissance of the sick, poor, handicapped, powerless and under-privileged? I don't think so. We admire you, please help us and don't let us die like flies).
    Sen. Thad Cochran
    Sen. Patrick Leahy
    Sen. Bernie Sanders
    Sen. Mitch McConnell
    Sen. Bill Nelson
    Sen. Jim Risch
    Sen. Ben Cardin
    Sen. Mike Enzi
    Sen. Angus King
    Sen. Dick Durbin
    Sen. Johnny Isakson
    Sen. Richard Blumenthal

    1. Sir, you have won the election. Please can you now preside over the whole country and not some sects, races, states, political parties or financial wealth or lack there of?

    2. Sir, Your actions make it look as if you hate Obama so much that everything he touched, you want to delete.

    3. Sir, don't forget that Obama, is the only president that made our health care problems almost controllable. Tweak OBAMACARE and not kick us out to go and die. Amend it.

    4. Sir, Please take the mantle handed you by Obama and amend the OBAMACARE and forget this fascination with erasing Obama's name from our presidential history.

    5. Sir, accept the fact that God made him the president of the United States and there is no way you can erase that.

    6. Sir, There is nothing you can do about the following issues:
    ...Barak Obama is an American, born in Hawaii
    ...Barak Obama was elected President before you, though he is younger than you.
    ...Health care problems that no previous US President could bring to fruition, Barack Obama did it.
    ...Osama Bin Laden that killed thousands of Americans, George Bush (a white man) tried and searched but couldn't find Osama Bin Laden.
    ...After George Bush, Barak Husein Obama (a black man), became the president and he found and Killed Osama Bin Laden.
    ...I lost one friend at the Twin-Towers and every time I see a picture of President Obama, I always say "THANK YOU" under my breath. He avenged my friend's death.
    ...Finally, There is a very Elite club of US Presidents and that club includes: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter and Barak Obama.
    ...That is Nobel Peace Prize Club. Yes sir, Obama is in the same club with St. Theresa (Mother Theresa).
    ...Will you go and force the Nobel Committee to repeal Obama's Nobel Peace Prize too?

    7. Please accept the things you cannot change. They say that wisdom comes with age, you are older than both Obama and me but where is that wisdom? What is this younger generation learning from you that will help us in the future?

    8. Oh, I am a black man too. You need a good black man who will be helping you see how your actions and deeds make you look like a bigot and a racist. Jesus Christ said: "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7:20). Step aside for a moment and look at the fruit you are showing the whole country: It is a shameful, deceitful, pompous, arrogant, childish and heartless fruit. I am sorry if I sound condescending but sir, you are the President of the United States and not the CEO of USA, Inc.

    9. Don't forget you have to preside over the black people also. You ran for the office. Please be our President now. Anytime you recall Clinton or Obama in your statements, that is 'walking backwards'. Next time you want to go to New York, try walking backwards or make the airplane fly backwards. You see, when you walk backwards, you are definitely going to arrive at nowhere. It was Abraham Lincoln who said: "I might be walking slowly but I never walk backwards". To that I will add: "A word is enough for the wise".

    10. Do you hate black people or Obama so much that you want to cut your nose in order to spite your face? By terminating our health care because you want to erase that name 'Obama' associated with anything good? But then, we are the ones that will suffer the consequences.

    11. There is a wise saying that says: "When two elephants fight, it is only the grasses that suffer, get uprooted and die". Obama has a great presidential health care for life, and so do you, and the senators and the congressmen/congresswomen. We are the grasses in this fight and, yes, we are the ones that will suffer, get uprooted and die.

    12. Please pick another fight and another location but not this one.

    13. Do you know how stupid that phrase: REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE sounds? You can unite the country better if you said: AMEND OBAMACARE. Of course you will also receive great credit for being the President that saved and amended Obamacare.

    MY LIFE:
    1. Mr. President, my courage in writing this message stems from Patrick Henry when he said: "Inasmuch as I might hate everything you have to say, I will still fight and die for your rights to say it." I may have modified the quote a little but I brought it up to appeal to you not to do anything to me for saying what I have just said in this message which you may hate.

    2. Simply put, I am afraid that the things I have just said in this message might result in me dying mysteriously or missing mysteriously or something happening to me. Sir, I am afraid that you will order someone or some law enforcement agency to come and grab me, kill me or wipe me from the face of this earth.

    (God forbid. Now I see how it feels living in the Russia)

    Freedom of speech is one thing and Patrick Henry will testify to that...

    Telling the truth to the powers that be, is another thing and JESUS CHRIST will testify to that.

    Mr. President, Senators and members of the House of Representatives, you are all honorable and MIGHTY but God is the ALMIGHTY (ALL MIGHTY). I speak to you under the shield of the ALMIGHTY. Your positions might make you feel HIGH but GOD is the MOST HIGH.

    You know sir, "A man dies of shame and cowardice if he keeps silent in the face of tyranny". If you will send your boys to come and kill me for saying these things, go ahead. I would rather die as a brave man than to live as a coward.

    There really is a place called heaven and it is not located on this planet. Think about that and check out Matthew 25:35 - 46. It is better to err on the side of GOD than to be right on the side of SATAN.

    Now I see why JESUS CHRIST said: "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24)

    This is your chance to really be the greatest president in history. Please avoid the petty quarrels and rise to the level you were destined to rise to. I am praying for you Mr. President and for all the law makers. "May God shower you all with wisdom" ...Amen

    Finally, Mr. President, I and some of my black friends (in my neighborhood) who supported and campaigned for you, are now living like outcasts in our area. mainly because everybody's health care and Medicaid is about to be taken away. Now, they hate us and regret ever listening to us. Check that your 30% base support, they are all shaking in their boots.

    Please don't misunderstand the above paragraph. I do not intend to and will not accept any special consideration or preferential or special treatment or recognition. All I'm asking is that you not deprive us and for you to just help Americans with their health care coverage. In fact, keep OBAMACARE, fund it and encourage the insurance companies to come back and assure them that the government subsidy will continue as planned.


    Thank you
    This is the voice of a black man repeating JESUS CHRIST and saying:
    "Whatever you do to the least of these, that you do unto me" (Matthew 25:35)
    ... Francis E.
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