My name is Matilde Leyva, I am a parent at Franklin Academy located at the Pembroke Pines location 5000 SW 207th Terrace. My daughter got threatened at school was never questioned for the threat that was made to her then the child who reported it was scrutinized by the principal of the school and was told that and I'm quoting "it was her fault that a police officer came to the school" sad to say none of the kids received a punishment and got away with it, the girl that came forward was told that when she spoke out she did a bad thing. To top that off I called the officers and they said that there were limited in there capacity to deal with the situation since technically no crime was committed. So I urge all the parents that have endured a situation of this to take a stand with me and petition the school to make a budget for a school resource officer so nothing like this happens to any kid. 

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