Tell President Obama to Protect Us from Fracking!

  • von: Stella Gamboni
  • empfänger: Barack Obama, President of the United States

Fracking is an unsafe drilling method where toxic chemicals are injected into rock formations to release natural gas. The gas industry wants to ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) to other countries to profit even more, while leaving our communities to deal with consequences -- including poisoned drinking water, extreme air pollution, and destroyed coasts.

We need to tell President Obama the natural gas industry does not deserve a blank check to put our communities at risk. 

Right now, DOE is studying whether or not we should start exporting fracked LNG. Unfortunately, they are only evaluating the business-side economics of exports, not the environmental and public health effects of fracking.

It is critical that DOE looks at the entire picture, from the effects of a fracking well in Pennsylvania or Colorado to the construction of pipeline to carry LNG to a coastal export facility in Louisiana or Washington State.

Please tell President Obama that this study does not look at the full picture and that the public health and environmental costs of LNG must be part of the decision.  

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