Campaign against the proposed revocation of Lounge on the Farm's license

Established in 2006 out of the desire to bring something a little bit different to Kent, Lounge on the Farm prides itself on providing a unique slant to the competitive UK summer festival market. A still-intimate festival, LOTF brings together a unique mix of art, music and food, ensuring it has fast become a staple on the Kent calendar.

For the past 5 years Lounge On The Farm has always been about bringing music to people in a positive environment. However, at every music festival there is a small percentage of people who will behave antisocially and 2011 proved that Lounge on the Farm was sadly no exception to this rule. As a result of the irresponsible behaviour of a very small minority, Lounge on the Farm is now facing a potential revocation of its license. At the festival itself only 31 incidents were filed which for a 10k capacity event is very low. However, the LOTF team has acknowledged the issues that took place and have already taken several significant steps into ensuring that these do not happen again.

A security company with extensive experience of large scale events have been brought in to the team, alongside an event production company that have come on board to assist with the running of the festival. We have secured a new area which will be made into on-site parking to ensure that the traffic issues no longer take place, purchasing a Steel Shield fence for the perimeter of the site and generally working hard to ensure that LOTF becomes a safer and more secure festival.

Please sign this petition to ensure that LOTF remains part of Kent's Summer landscape. It is an event that strives to provide a platform for local traders, producers, musicians and actors and provides hundreds of local people with gainful and exciting employment. This year the festival has won the "Greener Festival" award at the annual UK Festival Awards, proving it's green credentials and commitment to the local environment. To lose the event would be a very sad blow to Kent and to the festival scene, so please sign this petition to ensure that LOTF is allowed to continue.

To cancel Lounge on the Farm would be a very sad loss to not only the thousands of peaceful festival goers who enjoy the event year on year, but also to the local Kent community who help make the event a local celebration, so please sign this petition to ensure that the event is allowed to continue and thrive.

Established in 2006 out of the desire to bring something a little bit different to Kent, Lounge on the Farm prides itself on providing a unique slant to the competitive UK summer festival market. A still-intimate festival, LOTF brings together a unique mix of art, music and food, ensuring it has fast become a staple on the Kent calendar.

For the past 5 years Lounge On The Farm has always been about bringing music to people in a positive environment. However, at every music festival there is a small percentage of people who will behave antisocially and 2011 proved that Lounge on the Farm was sadly no exception to this rule. As a result of the irresponsible behaviour of a very small minority, Lounge on the Farm is now facing a potential revocation of its license. The LOTF team has acknowledged the issues that took place and have already taken several significant steps into ensuring that these do not happen again.

A security company with extensive experience of large scale events have been brought in to the team, alongside an event production company that have come on board to assist with the running of the festival. We have secured a new area which will be made into on-site parking to ensure that the traffic issues no longer take place, purchasing a Steel Shield fence for the perimeter of the site and generally working hard to ensure that LOTF becomes a safer and more secure festival.

Please sign this petition to ensure that LOTF remains part of Kent’s Summer landscape. It is an event that strives to provide a platform for local traders, producers, musicians and actors and provides hundreds of local people with gainful and exciting employment. This year the festival has won the "Greener Festival" award at the annual UK Festival Awards, proving it's green credentials and commitment to the local environment. To lose the event would be a very sad blow to Kent and to the festival scene, so please sign this petition to ensure that LOTF is allowed to continue.

To cancel Lounge on the Farm would be a very sad loss to not only the thousands of peaceful festival goers who enjoy the event year on year, but also to the local Kent community who help make the event a local celebration, so please sign this petition to ensure that the event is allowed to continue and thrive.

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