Justice For Gilbert

Gilbert was found as a stray in 2019 by Franklin County Dog Shelter, in Columbus, Ohio.
Gilbert was emaciated, had several masses and his skin was in awful shape. He was set to be euthanized at 8 years old.

We worked diligently to get Gilbert to safety before his time was up. Thankfully, We were able to have him transferred to Euclid Animal Shelter in Ohio.

Gilbert was a super sweet, loving dog. Loved everyone and everything.

Gilbert was adopted from Euclid animal shelter in Ohio, to a wonderful home and to a man that loved him ❤️

Fast forward to February 6, 2023,
Gilbert an elderly, dog at age 12, was in HIS front yard when Police were in the area looking for someone who didn't even live at the address where Gilbert lived.
The owner had another dog as well and he told the cops not to shoot them, that they were friendly. (Other cops knew Gilbert and knew he was sweet. Some shook their heads in disbelief when this officer shot him.)

Only Because Gilbert was barking in his own front yard, and was scared at all the screaming cops and flashlights. The cop(s) opened fire and shot at him 9 times.

Gilbert was not a threat. He never moved forward towards them, All He did was bark.
Gilbert was the sweetest dog. Was at 2 shelters within the last 4 years of his life, he was temperament tested at both shelter and passed. Everyone loved him at both shelters and talked about what a good, sweet boy he was.

The officer(s) that discharged their firearms did so in a residential neighborhood, where people, children were standing outside. Bullets went everywhere! Even into people's vehicles. This was completely unnecessary, dangerous and negligent!
Innocent bystanders and children could have been killed by this officers actions!

We are demanding Justice for Gilbert!
We want the police officer(s) that discharged their weapon to be fired from their positions, For their Negligence and Cruelty.
For unlawful use of lethal force to a companion animal that led to its death, endangering the lives of the public by unloading a firearm in a residential area(with people and kids outside), and animal cruelty!

Gilbert should not have been killed in his own yard. We must be the voice for Gilbert. He deserves Justice!

Please sign and share! #JusticeforGilbert

Update #3vor ca. einem Jahr
Update-Still waiting for the police to release ALL of the body cam,They are refusing.
I stay in touch with the lawyer, and have stated that I don't want too much time to pass by before some thing is done about this. She has stated The statute of limitations is two years, so this could be a long, drawn out case.
I will not Stop fighting for Justice for Gilbert, and I hope you won't stop Either!
So please be patient in this process and I will keep you updated as I get more information.
Update #2vor ca. einem Jahr
Release of 2 body cams.It shows Gilbert barking,1 cop running.Gilbert came out of the house,stopped at the front of the car continuing to bark.Cop went TOWARDS him shooting excessively!The video has been edited.Requested all 13 unedited
cams. A barking dog is not an aggressive dog! Dogs bark! The cop was reckless,could've killed others.He was never bitten or even close.Gilbert was in his own yard!Their words don't match up with their videos.https://youtube.com/watch?v=FEZfcrkGlZo&feature=share
Update #1vor ca. einem Jahr
??Warning Graphic Video??
The neighbor recorded the murder of Gilbert. 9-10 shots fired at a 12 year old, senior dog who was in his own front yard.
Bullets flying in a neighborhood with kids outside. There were bullet holes in cars and Gilbert succumbed to his injuries. ?
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