Reject the "New Normal" in Texas Schools

To whom it may concern-
including but not limited to Governor Greg Abbott, TEA Commissioner Mike Morath, the UIL Legislative Council, and any other governing body or individual who could have a significant impact on policies regarding Texas schools.

We the people, strongly believe that Texas schools should open on time and without extreme social distancing measures such as masks, six feet distancing rules, mandatory testing/screening, and more.

It is of the utmost importance that our children be allowed to have physical contact and interaction with their teachers and peers as that interaction is fundamental and crucial to the well being of all human beings.

Students must be allowed to eat in a cafeteria alongside their peers, have access to athletic programs and recess, participate in student body activities such as school assemblies, plays, and performances, without requiring masks or unrealistic distancing rules.

Our students, parents, and teachers need to be trusted with their own personal hygiene practices, as this is an individual responsibility. They should be trusted to manage their own health. People of a FREE country have the constitutional right to medical choice.

Our education system should only be stepping in when it is necessary to clean and disinfect school equipment and surfaces.

We insist that all students return to an environment that facilitates their mental, emotional, and physical well being. NOT an environment that encourages and enforces ideas of separation, isolation, and fear.

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