Boycott ORIGIN, EA Sims 4

  • von: Mari 's
  • empfänger: EA, ORIGIN Sims 4 Game

As many know Sims 4 just came out today in America while some of us are still waiting for EA to patch and fix endless glitches in Sims 3. We who play Sims 3 have been waiting since January 2014 for a new patch passed 1.67 it is now September. Nothing has come for seven months and counting.

Looking for reviews on just how wonderful Sims 4 is it turns out it is exactly as I suspected! The Sims Nightmare continues live! EA, ORIGIN Has done it yet again.

People NEED to boycott until they prove with ACTIONS the game works correctly!

Please read reviews this section will be updated and ty for sharing honesty! Please READ Sims 4 reviews from actual players before buying this game! 


Today’s agenda was to resume the crappy Sims 4 pre-load that I started last night. But of course, EA being a crappy company and Origin being a crappy program/application/service or whatever it is; as usual they just have to make me - their dumbest customer - suffer just to get their newest and crappiest game ever! (* ̄m ̄)

I was thinking that with not many people buy the new crap, at least it means I could get a bit faster download speed… But of course, NO! I still get the ever so painfully slow download speed… If it’s slow but steady, it’s still not too bad… But just now, it suddenly stuck by itself, for whatever freaking reasons, at (painfully obtained) 33% and refused to resume! (◣_◢)

Oh, OK, now it seems it has started to resume downloading again… But I won’t be surprised if later it will get stuck again! I can only pessimistically wonder; if by miracle I can finish this pre-load and on night of September 1st I somehow can also install the whole thing, I wonder if this crappy game would be willing to be open at all; scully, it would be like the nightmare with Sims 2 Ultimate Collection all over again - saying not installed when it’s clearly installed and eating my disk space for nothing! And if, by any chance, this crappy game can be played, I bet my copy would have even more bugs and glitches than others’, thanks to the stupid Origin messing up my download! (⋆ˋ⑉̈ˊ)൭൭⁼³₌₃
And that being the most possible future for my copy of crappy Sims 4 - that it’d be unplayable somehow like Sims 2 UC, I’ll just go playing another game and not care about Origin download! No need to give it priority! If it wants to continue downloading, then OK. If not, then just blast it off into nothingness for good! ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛EA/ORIGIN

- See more at:

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
This petition to Boycott Sims 4 is being updated because a Care2 staff member removed it without my consent.
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