Petition to allow Brittany Elliott to open a tattoo studio at 2920 Race St, Fort Worth, TX

  • von: John Esparza
  • empfänger: The City of Fort Worth, Texas

My name is Brittany Elliott and I am petitioning for the City of Fort Worth to allow me to open my tattoo studio at 2920 Race St. in the Riverside Arts District. I have already spent $10,000 trying to make this dream come true, then I was informed that the zoning of the building was not suitable for tattooing. I specialize in high quality, bright, bold, and timeless tattooing. I have been tattooing for over eight years and was featured on a National Television series called Best Ink 2 on the Oxygen Channel. Opening this shop is my dream come true, now I need your help to convince the city of For Worth that Born Late Records and Tattoo will be a successful and profitable endeavor, not only for me, but for the community too. We want to help build Race Street a new business that offers music and art combined.

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