Help get The Grafton Hunt’s despicable treatment of their beautiful Golden Eagle stopped.

    Anyone who has seem the shocking way The Grafton Hunt treat their beautiful Golden Eagle will agree that this poor bird is subjected to a very stressful and unnatural life, the so called handler has no idea how to treat it and it is frequently filmed hanging upside down on the glove, it’s wing even being stepped on by this man, riding on a quad bike on the road with it on the glove clearly in a very stressed state.
    This contravenes the animal welfare code in every way and this poor bird needs to be taken away from them and into proper care before it suffers the fate of many other birds of prey owned by hunts and used as a loophole to get around the hunting ban.
    This poor bird is never flown and anyone who has watched any videos of this poor bird cannot fail to be heartbroken by the treatment of this wonderful bird who certainly deserves a better life than this.
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