Who's Watching Over the UK's Exotic Animals? Not Enough Experts, and It's Harming Animals

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

There is a horrible, ongoing animal rights issue within the United Kingdom: there is a severe lack of regulations when it comes to the legal ownership of exotic and "dangerous" animals. This issue involves over 2,700 animals kept in private settings across Great Britain, including raccoons, wildcats, primates, and venomous snakes. These animals, often living in conditions far from their natural habitats, suffer silently behind closed doors due to outdated laws that fail to protect them adequately.

Sign the petition to urge the UK government to listen to the British Veterinary Association's recommendations to revise the Dangerous Wild Animals Act by implementing stricter regulations and creating a central register for the ownership of these animals!

Dangerous or exotic animals shouldn't be easy to purchase. They should be acquired by experts equipped to care for their various often unusual needs. This is a systemic failure that endangers both animal welfare and public safety. These animals are not commodities; they are living beings with specific environmental and dietary needs that typical domestic settings cannot provide.

By updating the Dangerous Wild Animals Act, we can ensure that all exotic and dangerous animals in private care are living in conditions that meet their complex needs, not just the bare minimum currently required by law.

Sign the petition to demand that our legislators protect these vulnerable animals and uphold the principles of animal welfare!

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