Support the decision to send Australian troops to Burma

  • von: Ned Kelly
  • empfänger:
This week the Australian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister are finalising their decision to send an Australian batttalion to Myanmar to help end a brutal dictatorship and stop a 50 year struggle for independence. 

At the end of WW2 the British lied to the ethnic minorites of Burma and instead of granting them independence, they handed the entire country over to the Burmans.  A military junta soon took over and has repressed the country since then.  Using rape as a weapon against women, enlisting child soldiers and enslaving villagers to work as porters and mine clearers, the Burmese junta is one of the most vile on the planet.  They produce much of the world's illegal drugs to fund their repression.  The British have continuously done nothing to repair the damage they caused.

The USA also does nothing to assist Myanmar, but instead their oil company UNOCAL makes millions of dollars and helps to prop up the regime whilst taking gas from Myanmar.  The Chinese, Thais and ASEAN also continue to do nothing to assist the people of Myanmar.
So, it is with great enthusiasm that we hear that Australia will take a world leadership position and help put a stop to the destructive Burmese generals.

Please sign this petition to show support for the Australian troops going to Myanmar and the Australian governments decision to take action against the cruel regime in Myanmar.

Please also send a letter of appreciation to
His recent speech on the imprisonment of Aung Sung Suu Kyi can be dound here:
Isn't it great to have a politician that backs up his words with action?
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