Off Leash Area for Silver Bay, MN area residents and visitors with dogs.

  • von: Marti Mullen
  • empfänger: Silver Bay, MN area residents and visitors who own dogs and dog related business owners.

To all interested dog owning citizens of Silver Bay and surrounding communities and to those who support responsible dog ownership including rescue organizations, veterinarians, dog trainers, groomers, walkers and boarding facilities and other businesses who serve the needs of dogs and their owners.

The City of Silver Bay is requesting a visit from the MN Design Team to help in city planning. You can learn more about that here. (Is there a public link from the city that has something easy to access?)

Some local dog owners have been discussing the potential for an off leash area (dog park). We would like to take advantage of a design team visit potentially in the spring of 2022 by beginning work on a proposal with the city this winter. To facilitate this, we have formed a temporary group to begin this process.

Specifically, the first step is to collect community support. Please read the letter to the MN Design Team and consider signing it to show your support.

Please contact us if you would like to volunteer to help with a park proposal. We are just getting organized so all ideas are welcome.

Right now, we are looking for signatures of support for this letter to the MN Design Team.

Attention:  MN Design Team                August 8, 2021

This is a letter of support for a design team visit from local dog-owning residents of Silver Bay who are forming a citizen group that will investigate the potential for an off leash recreational area in Silver Bay.

We believe the Design Team visit is an excellent opportunity to help the city move forward in its next stage of progress planning because improved land and building use is such a critical need in our community.

We believe that responsible community planning includes provisions for off-leash areas and that the existence of these areas benefits the community as a whole. And we advocate for the development of off-leash areas in the city and potentially county, not to replace, but in addition to existing access to public spaces. As we continue to build our city' tourism industry, we also believe that visitors to our area will also be potential users of such an area. Being in a rural area, we believe an opportunity exists for collaboration with the county and other local communities in this endeavor.

As a newly organized citizen action group, we are presently establishing a support base and preparing an initial statement of need to present the city so that a preliminary proposal made in consultation with the city can be available prior to the potential visit of the design team.

An off leash area has similar needs to any municipal or county park in terms of meeting the needs of citizens and human visitors. Additionally, an off leash area requires fencing for safety, a system for park permits that ensure dogs are vaccinated and licensed, and a waste management plan for the collection of solid dog waste.

A citizen group such as we are proposing is intended to work with the city to help manage the unique aspects of an off leash area and to:

Educate the community about off-leash areas and their benefits.

Educate dog owners about dog training and behavior to promote responsible dog ownership.

Partner with the city of Silver Bay to make an off-leash area safe, clean, and fun.

Volunteer to enhance, develop and maintain the off leash area.

Support various events, dog rescue groups, and other non-profit organizations, for the purpose of educating the general public about the benefits of dog ownership and companionship and for the encouragement of family pet ownership.

Raise funds to help provide special amenities for an off leash area such as agility type equipment and water features to enhance play opportunities.


We hope you will consider our city for a visit and include consideration of how an off leash area could fit in the city's plans.

A list of signatures of support is attached.


Karen Bzdoc, Chairwoman 

Citizens for Off Leash Area

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