Fair Rights For Dads

Its about time we got together to give poor dads the chance to have their child/children with out it costing them a fortune when they are 50% involved to produce a child. Mothers are branded automatically as the better parent! Not always the case. And Why? Dads do just a good job. I have seen so many hearts broken as the courts are biased straight away. Mediators being The first and foremost for this.. Most of them not married have no children, how would they know what dads are feeling. Dads are stung for money, courts, lawyer fees, maintenance, ( some of which are left with hardly any money to survive themselves), where being MUMS!! everything is paid.. Come on give these poor dads a break.. Its no wonder the suicide rate is up.. I have a page on face book called Fair Rights For Dads they have written their stories they are very sad, so of which they have faught to protect their child from child abuse sexual abuse (ie from mothers new relationships) and the courts still give the mothers custody?? What planet do they live on.. Why do we have so many mixed up children in this society .. Mothers and Law..
Please sign my petion..

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